Neel, there is a significant amount of overhead for us to do these whitespace fixes with one ticket per N patches (for a pretty small N), where one of us have to review it, someone else needs to come in and do the merge.
I think we should stop doing these as individual changes. If you want to solve the whitespace problems in Tor, please have a look at the work that happened in the beginning of this year where folks in the network team evaluated using clang-format to handle code-style in Tor automatically.
We have a pretty costly code-review process for tor.git since (a) we are written in C and every line is a potential catastrophe waiting to happen, and (b) because we are a project where security is key.
For me to review these small changes, I need to pull your branch on my local machine (in case Github's web interface isn't showing me the truth), then make a decision on the changes, comment on the ticket, then finally saying yay or nay. Then somebody else from the team goes in, have to go it over as well, and do the merge Doing this is just too much work for these small changes.
If you want to help with the clang-format work that has been going on, please have a look at #29226 (moved).
Thank you :-)
Trac: Status: needs_review to merge_ready Reviewer: N/Ato ahf