We currently send CIRC events to controllers that request them when a circuit is created, extended by one hop, or finished. Now that we send detailed information about circuits' purposes and states in those events, we should allow controllers to ask for notification events when circuits' purposes or states change, too.
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See feature3457-v2 ( git://git.torproject.org/rransom/tor.git feature3457-v2 ) for an implementation. This branch contains my feature2411-v3 (see #2411 (moved)) and bug3465-023-v2 (see #3465 (moved)) branches.
See feature3457-v2 ( git://git.torproject.org/rransom/torspec.git feature3457-v2 ) for documentation for the changes in my feature3457-v2 tor branch. This branch contains my bug2411a-v2 torspec (see #2411 (moved)) branch.
(Can't merge this till 2411 is in; can't merge 2411 until pytorctl and friends have been fixed for a while, OR 2411 has been changed not to break them.)
See feature3457-v3 ( https://git.torproject.org/rransom/tor.git feature3457-v3 ) for a branch rebased onto current master. This branch contains my feature2411-v4 branch (see #2411 (moved)); bug3465-023-v2 was merged long ago.
Why do we need a new event type for this? It seems like something we could do just fine with the current CIRC events. We can't add new CircStatus entries (I think), but we can just send back the previous CircStatus with the new purpose.
Why do we need a new event type for this? It seems like something we could do just fine with the current CIRC events. We can't add new CircStatus entries (I think), but we can just send back the previous CircStatus with the new purpose.
I want to indicate to the controller what caused the event to be sent. CIRC2 events are also a bit ‘louder’ than CIRC events, and will become even louderer if we add an INTRODUCE CIRC2 event type to tell controllers of a hidden service when an INTRODUCE2 cell has been received.
We can't add new CircStatus values for CIRC events because (a) the spec doesn't specifically allow it, and (b) Vidalia won't handle them sensibly (and I don't know how any controller could). Adding a new event type seemed much better.
rename circuit_change_purpose to circuit_set_purpose for consistency
Use smartlist_add_asprintf() in circuit_describe_status_for_controller
Come up with a better name for circ2 if possible
nuke the explicit enumeration-value setting in circuit_status_2_event_t
For formatting time, "sec,usec" is pretty horrible and not what we do elsewhere in tor or in control-spec. Either ISOTime or some spaceless variant thereupon would be better. (in circuit_describe_status_for_controller()). If for some reason we can't use ISOTime (or some spaceless variant etc), then let's use an actual decimal fraction.
void* arg2 is making me uncomfortable. If that's only a timeval for now, let's make it a timeval. If it really has to be lots of other things, let's make typechecking wrapper functions as needed.
rransom, do you have any suggestions for a better name for CIRC2?
rename circuit_change_purpose to circuit_set_purpose for consistency
circuit_change_purpose isn't called (and shouldn't be) the first time a circuit's purpose is set.
Use smartlist_add_asprintf() in circuit_describe_status_for_controller
Come up with a better name for circ2 if possible
nuke the explicit enumeration-value setting in circuit_status_2_event_t
For formatting time, "sec,usec" is pretty horrible and not what we do elsewhere in tor or in control-spec. Either ISOTime or some spaceless variant thereupon would be better. (in circuit_describe_status_for_controller()). If for some reason we can't use ISOTime (or some spaceless variant etc), then let's use an actual decimal fraction.
Torperf uses that format. I agree that it sucks, but I didn't know of any formatting functions already in Tor that would emit all the information in that time struct.
void* arg2 is making me uncomfortable. If that's only a timeval for now, let's make it a timeval. If it really has to be lots of other things, let's make typechecking wrapper functions as needed.
rransom, do you have any suggestions for a better name for CIRC2?
Torperf uses that format. I agree that it sucks, but I didn't know of any formatting functions already in Tor that would emit all the information in that time struct.
How about ISOTime with the space replaced by a slash? eg, 2011-01-11/00:02:15.324128
void* arg2 is making me uncomfortable. If that's only a timeval for now, let's make it a timeval. If it really has to be lots of other things, let's make typechecking wrapper functions as needed.
rransom, do you have any suggestions for a better name for CIRC2?
CIRC_MINOR seems fine to me.
I'll do these changes tonight or tomorrow unless this is something you'd rather do.
Torperf uses that format. I agree that it sucks, but I didn't know of any formatting functions already in Tor that would emit all the information in that time struct.
How about ISOTime with the space replaced by a slash? eg, 2011-01-11/00:02:15.324128
The standard spaceless format uses a “T” there instead.
void* arg2 is making me uncomfortable. If that's only a timeval for now, let's make it a timeval. If it really has to be lots of other things, let's make typechecking wrapper functions as needed.
rransom, do you have any suggestions for a better name for CIRC2?
CIRC_MINOR seems fine to me.
I'll do these changes tonight or tomorrow unless this is something you'd rather do.