Making any kind of hidden service connection attempt gives an immediate "[scrubbed].onion': hidden service is unavailable (try again later)." log message, and the request fails.
To upload designs, you'll need to enable LFS and have an admin enable hashed storage. More information
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Weird; I just tried the duckduckgo hidden service and it worked okay for me. Are there any other configuration issues going on? Is there anything suggestive in your info logs? Is there anything to suggest how far the connection is getting before it dies?
You did this in a data directory that used to have a non-md tor in it, yes? If I do that then hidden services work for me too, but using a clear data directory makes it break. Investigating logs now
Jul 15 18:35:04.000 [info] connection_ap_handshake_rewrite_and_attach(): Got a hidden service request for ID '3g2upl4pq6kufc4m'Jul 15 18:35:04.000 [info] connection_ap_handshake_rewrite_and_attach(): Unknown descriptor 3g2upl4pq6kufc4m. Fetching.Jul 15 18:35:04.000 [info] directory_get_from_hs_dir(): Could not pick one of the responsible hidden service directories, because we requested them all recently without success.Jul 15 18:35:04.000 [info] directory_get_from_hs_dir(): Could not pick one of the responsible hidden service directories, because we requested them all recently without success.Jul 15 18:35:04.000 [info] rend_client_refetch_v2_renddesc(): Could not pick one of the responsible hidden service directories to fetch descriptors, because we already tried them all unsuccessfully.