Report version of bwscanners in votes
Each directory authority should list the git version of the bandwidth scanners in their votes. This ticket has two parts:
Edit to output a line with the git commit that it is from.
Alter the tor voting to add an "opt" line or other ignored keyword that lists the version from the bwscan file.
There should be no consensus process for this. We just want a comment in the vote documents, basically.
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- Mike Perry changed milestone to %Tor: 0.3.5.x-final
changed milestone to %Tor: 0.3.5.x-final
- Author
Cc: N/A to karsten, aagbsn - Author
Priority: normal to major - Author
Owner: mikeperry to aagbsn
Status: new to assigned This is a feature that belongs in the new bwauth replacement project, see #13630 (moved).
Reviewer: N/A to N/A
Severity: N/A to Blocker
Parent: N/A to #13630 (moved)
Sponsor: N/A to N/AHi juga, this is the ticket for putting the bandwidth authority version in votes.
We are working on the file format in #25869 (moved) and
I think we should:
- add a "timestamp=" to the timestamp
- turn the entire bwfile header into a single line
- put it all in the vote as a line with a new keyword, "bandwidth-file"
For bandwidth file format 1.0.0, the line would be: bandwidth-file timestamp=1234567890
For bandwidth file format 1.1.0, the line would be: bandwidth-file timestamp=1234567890 version=1.1.0 software=sbws software_version=0.1.0
If we implement the feature in this way, then Tor will automatically add new fields to the bandwidth-file line.
Cc: karsten, aagbsn to juga, karsten, aagbsn
Component: Core Tor/Torflow to Core Tor/Tor
Milestone: N/A to Tor: unspecifiedThis is about the format of the vote line, not the format of the v3bwfile header, which is multiple lines.
Replying to teor:
Hi juga, this is the ticket for putting the bandwidth authority version in votes.
We are working on the file format in #25869 (moved) and
I think we should:
- add a "timestamp=" to the timestamp
- turn the entire bwfile header into a single line
- put it all in the vote as a line with a new keyword, "bandwidth-file"
For bandwidth file format 1.0.0, the line would be: bandwidth-file timestamp=1234567890
For bandwidth file format 1.1.0, the line would be: bandwidth-file timestamp=1234567890 version=1.1.0 software=sbws software_version=0.1.0
If we implement the feature in this way, then Tor will automatically add new fields to the bandwidth-file line.
Parent: #13630 (moved) to 25925Trac:
Parent: 25925 to #25925 (moved)To which Tor version should we backport this?, 0.3.2 too since it's the ealier version dirauths are running?
Would be the place to put the one i'm using in this commit?:
In which structure should the timestamp (and version) be stored so that dirvote.c can read it?.
Replying to juga:
To which Tor version should we backport this?, 0.3.2 too since it's the ealier version dirauths are running?
New features do not get backported, they get merged to master.
Since there is an 0.3.4 alpha release, it is closed to new features. So the earliest release this feature will be in is 0.3.5.
Would be the place to put the one i'm using in this commit?:
That is almost the right place. Please add the new "bandwidth-file" line to the end of the authority header, after the shared random information. We add new lines to the end of the section, to avoid merge conflicts.
In which structure should the timestamp (and version) be stored so that dirvote.c can read it?.
Please add every header key_value to the bandwidth-file line, not just timestamp and version. This means that new header lines are automatically added to the vote.
You can add these key_values to a space-separated string.
I suggest that you modify dirserv_read_measured_bandwidths() to store the headers in a string, add a function that gets that string, and include the string in the vote.
Set the bandwidth-file string to NULL at the start of the function, freeing it if was not NULL:
Once you know the time is a number, read the rest of the header lines, and add them to the bandwidth-file string:
When voting, add a bandwidth-file line if the bandwidth-file string is not NULL:
You will also need to change the dir-spec. I will open a child ticket.
Milestone: Tor: unspecified to Tor: 0.3.5.x-final-
Since it is not being backported i based it on master, now in my branch
After looking more to
i thought it was better to usesmartlist_t
instead of string, and get it converted to string informat_networkstatus_vote
is call fromdirserv_generate_networkstatus_vote_obj
, i don't need a different function to obtain the headers.Since i didn't found specific tests for
, i'm not sure how to add tests for the vote document.This code break other tests, hints?.
Keywords: N/A deleted, tor-dirauth addedTrac:
Reviewer: N/A to teorThe GitHub pull request is:
Replying to teor:
Please see my comments on the GitHub pull request.
Rebased to master and continuing on Also left comments there.
Status: needs_revision to needs_reviewRebased to master and continuing on
Status: needs_revision to needs_reviewReplying to juga:
Rebased to master and continuing on
When I'm reviewing, I find rebases and new pull requests really confusing. I lose all my past GitHub comments, and I have to switch between the old and new pull requests. (Some people like new pull requests, I've just found out that I don't..)
So can we leave any more rebases until the patch is complete?
Keywords: N/A deleted, 035-triaged-in-20180711 addedReplying to teor:
Are there any unit tests for reading measured bandwidths with non-NULL routerststuses? If there aren't, please open a separate ticket, we should write some eventually.
I think this ticket is #25947 (moved).
Need to check, but i think that even after all the new tests, there was not any with non-NULL routerstatuses in #25947 (moved).
Replying to juga:
Need to check, but i think that even after all the new tests, there was not any with non-NULL routerstatuses in #25947 (moved).
Ok, I opened #26798 (moved) for these tests. They are a low priority. Please do all the 0.3.5 work first.
Replying to juga:
Rebased to master and continuing on
Hi Juga,
Please see my branch ticket3723_03 on
I did some small fixups:
- removed a redundant header,
- added a missing cast on Windows, and
- fixed some code that was in the wrong place.
I also wrote a spec for parsing failures in #26799 (moved), and implemented it.
Please review
If you're happy with the code, please:
- run it against a test bandwidth file, and check the vote contents
- squash all your fixups (and my fixups, if you want)
- rebase to the latest master
It looks like the squashed and rebased code is in juga's ticket3723_03_squashed_rebased branch.
It is, i didn't notify here because i wanted first to:
run it against a test bandwidth file, and check the vote contents
i did it, example output:
bandwidth-file-headers timestamp=1531683804 version=1.1.0 earliest_bandwidth=2018-07-13T12:49:16 file_created=2018-07-17T13:13:03 generator_started=2018-07-14T15:14:35 latest_bandwidth=2018-07-15T19:43:24 software=sbws software_version=0.6.1-dev
Linux CI passed on this branch. I opened so that Windows CI runs on this branch. You can set up Windows CI on your GitHub by going to
After it's successful, let's merge the branch.
Status: needs_review to merge_readyQuestions, not necessarily requring changes:
- Do we envision ever having a private field in the bwauth file?
- And is this "terminator" a change to the existing bandwidth file format?
- Does anything use MAX_BW_FILE_HEADERS_LINE_LEN?
Necessary changes:
- This branch needs a changes file.
Status: merge_ready to needs_revisionReplying to nickm:
Questions, not necessarily requring changes:
- Do we envision ever having a private field in the bwauth file?
AFAIK, we have not talk about it. What do you mean by "private"?, that would be for?
- And is this "terminator" a change to the existing bandwidth file format?
No, are you asking that because the name is different?, we changed the name cause we thought it was less confussing:
- Does anything use MAX_BW_FILE_HEADERS_LINE_LEN?
It is used in: We thought that we should check not only the length of the headers smartlist but also the length of the headers string. Regarding the name, see discussion in
Necessary changes:
- This branch needs a changes file.
ok, will add it
Replying to juga:
Replying to nickm:
Questions, not necessarily requring changes:
- Do we envision ever having a private field in the bwauth file?
AFAIK, we have not talk about it. What do you mean by "private"?, that would be for?
I mean, would we ever want to have a field that would be part of the bandwidth file, but not copied into the vote?
- And is this "terminator" a change to the existing bandwidth file format?
No, are you asking that because the name is different?, we changed the name cause we thought it was less confussing:
Okay, that makes sense.
- Does anything use MAX_BW_FILE_HEADERS_LINE_LEN?
It is used in: We thought that we should check not only the length of the headers smartlist but also the length of the headers string. Regarding the name, see discussion in
Necessary changes:
- This branch needs a changes file.
ok, will add it
Thanks! Please make this merge_ready again you do.
Replying to juga:
Replying to nickm:
I mean, would we ever want to have a field that would be part of the bandwidth file, but not copied into the vote?
i can not find a reason for that right now. I guess if we need it at some point, we would need to change the spec and this code again.
The current headers don't contain any sensitive information:
Also, we want to make the entire bandwidth file public, see #21377 (moved) and:
But before we make the entire file public, we need to work out if the individual relay bandwidths make it easier to run attacks, see #26904 (moved).
If you'd like, we could update the bandwidth file spec to say that the headers and the file content are public.
Okay; I've merged this to master. Thanks for the clarification!
Status: merge_ready to closed
Resolution: N/A to implemented- Trac closed
- teor mentioned in issue #25869 (moved)
mentioned in issue #25869 (moved)
- teor mentioned in issue #26222 (moved)
mentioned in issue #26222 (moved)
- teor mentioned in issue #26541 (moved)
mentioned in issue #26541 (moved)
- teor mentioned in issue #26698 (moved)
mentioned in issue #26698 (moved)
- teor mentioned in issue #26798 (moved)
mentioned in issue #26798 (moved)
- teor mentioned in issue #26801 (moved)
mentioned in issue #26801 (moved)
- Trac mentioned in issue tpo/core/chutney#26801 (closed)
mentioned in issue tpo/core/chutney#26801 (closed)
- Trac moved to tpo/core/tor#3723 (closed)
moved to tpo/core/tor#3723 (closed)
- Trac mentioned in issue tpo/core/tor#26222 (closed)
mentioned in issue tpo/core/tor#26222 (closed)
- Trac mentioned in issue tpo/core/tor#26541 (closed)
mentioned in issue tpo/core/tor#26541 (closed)
- Trac mentioned in issue tpo/core/tor#26698 (closed)
mentioned in issue tpo/core/tor#26698 (closed)
- Trac mentioned in issue tpo/core/tor#26798 (closed)
mentioned in issue tpo/core/tor#26798 (closed)