All of the prefs we change in TBB appear to be set as user prefs. This makes it hard for me in Torbutton to tell if the user has changed a value.
We also have occasional reports from people that some prefs seem inexplicably set (such as form fill options). Since user_prefs() sets a user value, it probably causes Firefox to emit observer events for each preference we change in this way. If one of them has an exception because the observer for that pref is buggy and/or tries to touch some not-yet-initialized piece of Firefox at startup, that could easily cause some prefs to fail to apply randomly.
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Note: In more than a couple places in torbutton (as well as the Firefox-close patch), I do things like:
if (this.prefs.prefHasUserValue("torbrowser.version"))
These checks will all need to be updated when we do this switch, because the switch will cause our pref settings to stop being "user values". If anyone decides to work on this bug, please don't forget to ping me when you start, so I can update the Torbutton checks before we deploy this.
Erinn and Mike -- please review the two patches. Some details:
Our browser.startup.homepage value is now handled like the Firefox default value for that pref. It must come from a properties file so that code in Firefox that calls getComplexValue() will work. And we need to change Torbutton to always use getComplexValue() too.
The other prefs. are now split between a #tor.js file which is placed in the browser application area (named so pref values in it override other Firefox default preferences) and a preferences/extension-overrides.js file which is placed in the user profile area (necessary in order to override default preferences contained within extensions such as NoScript).
In, we made a couple of somewhat unrelated changes: add /c prefix to MING path and remove some PYMAKE leftovers). Someone who better understands the implications should make sure those changes are desirable.
Also, Kathy and I removed the following preferences which we do not think need to be set:
pref("app.update.lastUpdateTime.addon-background-update-timer", 1216566538);
pref("app.update.lastUpdateTime.background-update-timer", 1216566535);
pref("app.update.lastUpdateTime.blocklist-background-update-timer", 1216566538);
pref("app.update.lastUpdateTime.microsummary-generator-update-timer", 1232574822);
pref("", 1216566539);
pref("urlclassifier.keyupdatetime.", 1235166825);
pref("", "1.55536");
pref("", "1.23256");
pref("", "1.481");
pref("", "1.371");
Shouldn't we place the Torbutton preferences in extension-overrides.js too? Is there a reason why we didn't? We can probably actually just eliminate most of these entirely, though. I can work on that bit in Torbutton.
If users change their addon preferences (NoScript for example), will those values take precedence over extension-overrides.js? Ie will prefs.js extension prefs override extension-overrides.js? I think we want this to be the case.
Can we entirely remove the prefs.js from the distribution? A key goal here is not overwriting user preferences during updates.
There may be some more prefHasUserValue checks in Torbutton. I'll get to those soon.
Shouldn't we place the Torbutton preferences in extension-overrides.js too? Is there a reason why we didn't? We can probably actually just eliminate most of these entirely, though. I can work on that bit in Torbutton.
Yes, those should be placed in extension-overrides.js too (if they cannot be defaulted appropriately inside Torbutton itself). Good catch.
If users change their addon preferences (NoScript for example), will those values take precedence over extension-overrides.js? Ie will prefs.js extension prefs override extension-overrides.js? I think we want this to be the case.
Yes, the /prefs.js is where all user prefs are written and they always take precedence.
Can we entirely remove the prefs.js from the distribution? A key goal here is not overwriting user preferences during updates.
Kathy and I were thinking that when we implement an automatic update mechanism that that file would just be excluded (i.e., we would never overwrite it). But it is safer to just omit the prefs.js file entirely so there is no risk that the new (empty) file would overwrite a user's preferences.
There may be some more prefHasUserValue checks in Torbutton. I'll get to those soon.
Thanks. I think they are all gone now, but please double-check.
For prefs.js, we want to omit it entirely from the bundle archive so that alternate update mechanisms (such as Thandy, #5236 (moved), or even simply untarring a new tarball over an old TBB dir) don't have to deal with it.
Can you do this and move the torbutton prefs for now, and then I'll clean up and remove redundant ones when I merge?
Also, out of curiosity, do prefs set in extensions-overrides.js show up as UserValue, or as defaults?
Can you do this and move the torbutton prefs for now, and then I'll clean up and remove redundant ones when I merge?
Done. I will post an updated patch in a minute. We removed these two because the same pref. values are included in Torbutton:
pref("extensions.torbutton.locked_mode", true);
pref("extensions.torbutton.restore_tor", true);
Also, out of curiosity, do prefs set in extensions-overrides.js show up as UserValue, or as defaults?
I've been testing this and cleaning up our prefs a bit. It seems to be good so far, but one thing I've noticed with the Torbutton patch is that you didn't change the torbutton's update of the browser.startup.homepage pref to use setComplexValue. I went ahead and added that in. It seems to work, but probably needs more testing:
Let me know if there's some reason we shouldn't also use setComplexValue there.
The patch here caused a regression. People on #tor are reporting that "update needed" is shown by the browser after installing the latest package. The problem is caused by a mismatch between the torbrowser.version preference value and the version reported by the web site.
On Mac OS and Linux, the version used to include -$(ARCH_TYPE). Mark and I accidentally omitted this when we made the changes for this bug.
In the short run, someone may want to change the RecommendedTBBVersions list (remove last component of MacOS and Linux versions).
In the long run, is it desirable to include the architecture?
Ok, we've fixed the versions file. I filed #8310 (moved) for the pref change. We likely do need arch. In the past we've had to update the arch builds separately sometimes..
Trac: Status: new to closed Resolution: N/Ato fixed
Fyi, my tor-browser-gnu-linux-x86_64-2.3.25-4-dev-en-US.tar.gz when it starts sends me to the page -- i.e. they "there is a security update" page. This is with RecommendedVersions saying
The Torbutton icon no longer blinks. So I assume something new is broken here -- perhaps there are still two update mechanisms in place, and by fixing one you broke the other?
Did you first start it before we fixed the versions file? The default value for the homepage pref is "".. The only way it should be able to get to "uptodate=0" is if a earlier version check failed.
Remember that we don't block on the version check anymore before launching the browser or loading the homepage, so whatever versioncheck result you got previously is what homepage value you'll have (until another version check can be performed to update your homepage value).
Did you first start it before we fixed the versions file? The default value for the homepage pref is "".. The only way it should be able to get to "uptodate=0" is if a earlier version check failed.
Remember that we don't block on the version check anymore before launching the browser or loading the homepage, so whatever versioncheck result you got previously is what homepage value you'll have (until another version check can be performed to update your homepage value).
Even after a complete restart? I turned it all off and started it again.
I hope it doesn't cache stuff across runs.
That said, I left the old one up for a few hours, then just restarted it, and now the check page is the right one.