I'm experiencing some issues w/ twitter. I use Tor Bundle 2.2.32-4, the latest one on the blog, on Ubunut and I couldn't access twitter two days ago and still. The problem is sometimes it give me just a white blank page, after retrying for manytimes, it might open the home page but I can't tweet anything, and the timeline don't get updated at all. I can't access my mentions or any other things on twitter. On the right panel, there are no pictures of my followers of people I'm following and the trends don't appear too. Just for note: I use Tor Bundle for Windows and the same problem there, and I can access my account from HootSuite client without any problems. If you didn't understand the problem I would upload pictures of it. Forgive my English and forgive me for any mistakes b/c this is my first time. Thank you for what are you doing here.
Trac: Username: 7__r
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I use TBB and twitter and yeah, it is kind of broken this time. The auto-update part works for me, and scrolling down the page will 'refresh' the tweets and show me old ones. But going to a new page (e.g., someone's twitter page) will behave randomly: sometimes I get a white page, sometimes I get their actual page but some elements are missing, like the follow button, sometimes I have to reload it before I can get the entire page as it should be. Testing it some more (looking at my followers, who I'm following), it will load parts of the page, but just spin on the section that would actually list all of the people.
I'm not sure how to diagnose what's going on. But it involves whatever you changed to make the auto-scrolling happen.
I don't think https-everywhere is culprit, because I tried to disable it with no-script and the same problem happened. The login screen works fine with me too but the problems start when I log in. And yes, I think it's kind of difficult to describe this bug and particularity if you don't have twitter account.
I found a solution. I downloaded the Vidalia Bundle (the latest version with TorButton 1.4.3) and used it with polipo. I used the proxy for http and ssl. check.torproject.org gives me "Congratulations" and Test Sittings in TorButton preferences gives me the same. I can access twitter as usual and even with the auto-scroll, but the problem is there is no certificate for the website. Firefox says "This site does not supply identity information. Your connection to this site is only partially encrypted and does not prevent eavesdropping". This problem is only with twitter and even though I disabled HTTPS-Everywhere extension.
So maybe the main problem is with twitter certificate or some other problem happened when the developers fixed the auto-scroll bug.
I want to know if this solution works and if it safe. I live in Syria and you probably know what's going on here. If they (security) caught me I could return home a dead body.
7__r: I am definitely taking this seriously. I am just a bit frustrated that we did not seem notice this in-house, given the number of active twitter users we have here (barring myself, of course). That's what the earlier noise was about.
Ok, 7r: our current believe is that this is related to pipelining in TBB. I personally find this odd, because polipo also does pipelining... But we seem to at least worked around the bug by disabling pipelining at the about:config url window, but our efforts are currently complicated due to what appears to be heavy load at the moment.
Are you willing to do some TBB testing? Can you try different values of the about:config setting 'network.http.pipelining.maxrequests'? Try to range it from 1 to 8 and see which, if any, settings work without issue?
Trac: Summary: Problems with twitter to Problems with twitter and large HTTP pipelines
If it safe, I will do it. But please, give me more directions and do you want me to test it on Tor Browser Bundle or Vidalia Bundle with polipo?
Hold on. We've just discovered that there is also an interaction with HTTPS-Everywhere for certain pipeline values. This one is going to be messy. Perhaps we should just leave you out of it.
The safest option should be to continue using TBB, but to disable pipelining in about:config. There should be three values to set to false at the url 'about:config': network.http.pipelining, network.http.pipelining.ssl, and network.http.proxy.pipelining. Set those all to false, and TBB should work with twitter again.
It didn't work with me, I set all these values to false and tried many values for 'network.http.pipelining.maxrequests' and nothing happened. I even tried to use twitter without https mode. I disabled it from setting and disabled all HTTPS-Everywhere rules and the same problem, just a blank white screen.
Hrmm.. Given that your report directly conflicts Erinn's on every detail, I think the only conclusion we can come to is that the bug is either crazy non-deterministic, or it does not in fact have anything to do with pipelining, but instead something else entirely.
Have you been using the TBBs for long? When did this first become an issue for you? What was the last known-good TBB you used?
Yes, I'm using Tor Bundle for Windows and Linus for around six monthes (since the revolution in my country started) and the first time I had this problem was two days ago. Yesterday, I could barley connect to Tor, and when I could connect, check.torproject.org gives me error 'We have temporally outage of service and we can't determine if your are using Tor' even though the ip it gave me wasn't my home-ip.
And after more retrys, I can now access twitter on http w/o ssl encryption.
Yeah, I suspect you're seeing several different errors at once here and confusing them. Check failed independently due to an upgrade issue on our end that should now be fixed (I hope). Tor may be slow because of overload at your bridge.
We recommend not disabling ssl encryption for twitter, though it is likely not life-threatening to do so.. However, it is possible that this is a twitter problem, and unrelated to our changes at all. These conflicting reports make it quite weird.
I ask this question because we're going to need to try some regression testing over here to absolutely make sure it wasn't a recent TBB release that caused your problem.
It may sound crazy, but it's working now. The only changes I made is I set network.http.pipelining.maxrequests to 4 and network.http.pipelining, network.http.pipelining.ssl, and network.http.proxy.pipelining to false. This solution didn't work yesterday, but it's working now. So maybe Tor has nothing to do with this problem, it's maybe from twitter.
It may sound crazy, but it's working now. The only changes I made is I set network.http.pipelining.maxrequests to 4 and network.http.pipelining, network.http.pipelining.ssl, and network.http.proxy.pipelining to false. This solution didn't work yesterday, but it's working now. So maybe Tor has nothing to do with this problem, it's maybe from twitter.
Please keep us updated. Right now, I am inclined to believe that your changes are just coinciding with arbitrary twitter hiccups and there probably isn't a bug on our side here.
To the Cc'd: Back on you go! Let us know if you have any twitter problems with the TBBs.
Trac: Cc: erinn, tor-qa to erinn, tor-qa, phobos, ioerror, nickm, runa
It may sound crazy, but it's working now. The only changes I made is I set network.http.pipelining.maxrequests to 4 and network.http.pipelining, network.http.pipelining.ssl, and network.http.proxy.pipelining to false. This solution didn't work yesterday, but it's working now. So maybe Tor has nothing to do with this problem, it's maybe from twitter.
Please keep us updated. Right now, I am inclined to believe that your changes are just coinciding with arbitrary twitter hiccups and there probably isn't a bug on our side here.
To the Cc'd: Back on you go! Let us know if you have any twitter problems with the TBBs.