The current server is going away, to be replaced by torbel soon. Can we figure out a way to automate the version updating, via git repo or something similar?
Ok. wget of this file in cron is one option. A slightly better one would be a git+ssh or https git clone of the torbrowser repo, and the cp of this file. No git clones via git:// though plz, as those could be MITMed/otherwise altered. If gitweb itself is using git:// on the backend, we probably shouldn't trust it either...
Ok, but what's the harm in deploying that patch now? It is ready to be applied to the current check.
We've been working on the torbel replacement for a while now. My understanding is that it still isn't ready. Unless it is ready to go live tonight (which aagbsn's patch is), it seems silly to allow our users to continue to be exploitable while we wait...
In the meantime, we can work to add the uptodate functionality to the torbel version.
Ok, but what's the harm in deploying that patch now? It is ready to be applied to the current check.
Why the rush for this?
Because there have been about two or three dozen Firefox releases with remote code exec bugs since we started shipping Tor Browser Bundle 2 years ago, and we still have no mechanism for telling any of those people that they are running vulnerable software, unless their tor also happens to become vulnerable and Vidalia told them by coincidence..
If we have a mechanism to tell them, we should deploy it yesterday, or last year. Not next month or next quarter.
Oh, in case it wasn't clear, the patch is the last piece. We've built and tested the rest of the notification mechanism in TBB over the last two releases. As soon as the patch is deployed, all users (including even old obsolete TBB users from yesteryear) will begin getting upgrade notifications via the check homepage.
right, that includes the html from trac, i made my own.
Actually it shouldn't have. Note the difference in the url. This one says raw_attachment. If trac is injecting secret html into those, we have problems...
FYI: Until is the correct file, everyone will get the "You need to upgrade" page, even fresh installs. It defaults to assuming you're out of date if the file fetch or parse fails.
FYI: Until is the correct file, everyone will get the "You need to upgrade" page, even fresh installs. It defaults to assuming you're out of date if the file fetch or parse fails.
And this is why I don't like to rush stuff out there. The default failure mode should be to do nothing, not tell everyone they're out of date. The RecommendedTBBVersions file is removed, yet check keeps telling me to upgrade.
There is no cronjob set, it's manual right now until we can be sure this works correctly.
Can I Erinn and/or Sebastian and/or I just get svn + access to the check VM? This ticket is a Litany of Fail, and I think is it is because we have no maintainer of the current service or the source.
Other than deployment on the actual VM here, everything else about the check.tpo should inform TBB users if they are o... (#2285 - moved)#3337 (closed) deployment was tested beforehand on alternate servers over two TBB releases and it worked properly, yet we still managed to have almost 20 hours of failtime on this feature due to no one being around with the ability to fix it after it was partially deployed.
Also, we really need a cron job to wget the file and mv it into place.
And if we end up still seeing transient failures even after we get a sane deployment on the VM,
we can give new TBB users a new default homepage that gets no update message in the case of failures, but right now the default-to-upgrade is the mechanism that tells old TBB users to upgrade... I didn't see any transient failures on the testing systems.
Trac: Cc: erinn, mikeperry to erinn, mikeperry, Sebastian, aagbsn