Seems like one would get ioerror's --disable-necko-disk-cache in ticket #4280 (moved) here for free as according to the above linked document the build option --necko-disk-cache got removed. But, on the other hand that could just mean that one cannot disable/enable that cache anymore, i.e. it is enabled by default...
Seems like one would get ioerror's --disable-necko-disk-cache in ticket #4280 (moved) here for free as according to the above linked document the build option --necko-disk-cache got removed. But, on the other hand that could just mean that one cannot disable/enable that cache anymore, i.e. it is enabled by default...
Heh, yeah, I saw that.. I just checked my FF8 source though, and --disable-necko-disk-cache still seems to be an option. Very weird.