Tor's config parsing is case insensitive, so arm's validation should be too. At present having "Exitpolicy reject :" in the torrc is counted as both being unnecessary and missing since it doesn't match "ExitPolicy reject :".
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Can I also add that this is a particular issue for less informed users as the implication is that we should remove the line. In fact I did just that until I worked out maybe it wasn't such a good idea!
This may be unrelated but I also receive this warning:
[ARM_WARN] The torrc differ from what tor's using. You can issue a sighup to reload the torrc values by pressing x.-configuration value is missing from the torrc: Log
A vanilla build of the Tor Cloud image with Arm from the lucid-backports repository
Tor cloud was where the original reporter also mentioned seeing it. I'm not sure what's special about that environment. Worst case Runa said that she'll look at it in a month or so when the ubuntu image updates. Assigning to her.
This may be unrelated but I also receive this warning:
A vanilla build of the Tor Cloud image with Arm from the lucid-backports repository
Tor cloud was where the original reporter also mentioned seeing it. I'm not sure what's special about that environment. Worst case Runa said that she'll look at it in a month or so when the ubuntu image updates. Assigning to her.
I said I would probably run into the bug in a month or so, not that I would look into it. Anyways, I can set up an instance for you and give you the key so that you can access it and test this yourself. Drop me an email and I'll sort it out.