(Presumably the English TBB contains all of Torbutton's locale files, too.)
Surely we don't need to ship all Torbutton locale files in all TBBs. I wonder how much they enlarge the tarball -- if they're worth shipping, they should be significant.
This is a Bundle build-script issue, not a ...Button issue.
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Decompressed, the size of the directory is decreased by over 50% when deleting extraneous locales. Compressed, though, the difference is 185K for the one without locales and 756K for the original. Maybe it's worth it, in terms of whittling down whatever we can. I don't know if removing them affects the functionality at all though.
I think it's okay if we ship all locales. The user might install an additional locale in their browser and stripping down the locales to, say, spanish and english would suddenly break Tor Browser in interesting ways. We'll see how we solve this once we move Torbutton closer to the browser core...
Actually, now that we try to get single-locale repacks done (in #27466 (moved)) adding additional locales to Tor Browser is not that easy anymore (which is okay) and thus not a good argument against the proposed size reduction. Re-opening.
Trac: Summary: Spanish TBB contains all Torbutton locale files to Spanish TBB contains all Torbutton and Tor Launcher locale files Status: closed to reopened Resolution: worksforme toN/A Component: Applications/Tor bundles/installation to Applications/Tor Browser Cc: N/Ato mcs, brade Keywords: size-reduction deleted, tbb-rbm added