Create account for Isis
I've signed Isis' key:
pub 4096R/2CDB8B35 2011-09-09 [expires: 2016-09-07]
Key fingerprint = 0A6A 58A1 4B59 46AB DE18 E207 A3AD B67A 2CDB 8B35
uid Isis! <>
uid Isis Grimalkin <>
sub 4096R/B401100F 2011-09-09 [expires: 2016-09-07]
I'd like her to have an account so that she can contribute to obs proxy and other projects.
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Component: - Select a component to CompanyTrac:
Owner: weasel to arma
Status: new to assignedFine with me. But in general, we should be asking this about people who have commits committed, rather than people we hope will commit commits in the future.
I'm with arma. Call me a +1 on this once we have merged a patch from Isis.
Do we have a merged patch from isis?
Replying to phobos:
Do we have a merged patch from isis?
You do now (a doc-string typo fix): []
Isis now has merged commits into ooni-probe and she is going to be working more on it.
She started working on integration with planet lab here: and here:
Sounds good to me.
(I wonder why I'm the owner here. I can't create accounts.)
Isis, you should provide answers for the four questions at #5260 (closed). Then we should make weasel aware of the ticket.
Cc: phobos, arma to phobos
Owner: arma to N/ATrac:
Cc: phobos to phobos, isisTrac:
Owner: N/A to weaselpreferred username: isis first/middle/last name: Isis Agora Lovecruft forwarding email address: gpg key fingerprint: 0A6A 58A1 4B59 46AB DE18 E207 A3AD B67A 2CDB 8B35
Sorry for the ascii art. :( I was messing around for five minutes in a coffeeshop with hellais and asn. However, I want point out that I also fixed the IPv6 problem in obfsproxy, #5127, and I've been helping with ooni-probe design too.
Or, instead of apologizing, perhaps I should be proud of being the only tor dev whose first accepted patch was an ascii stegosaurus. :D
Final information collected: Isis Agora Lovecruft Assigned UID: 2033 GID: 2033 Email forwarded to: GECOS Field: "Isis Agora Lovecruft,,,," Login Shell: /bin/bash Key Fingerprint: 0A6A58A14B5946ABDE18E207A3ADB67A2CDB8B35 Continue [No/yes]? yes Updating LDAP directory.. Sending Welcome Email
Status: assigned to closed
Resolution: N/A to fixed- Trac closed