Hrm. wanoskarnet has a good point about remove_obsolete_entry_guards() not being about rotating guards. Seems to me we should make a better fix, and target it on 0.2.3, and not put this into 0.2.2. It can be used by your guards as a fingerprint that you're on 0.2.2, but there's better fingerprints for that. I suspect the impact on the network is negligible, because if you regularly update your Tor (which you would need to do in order to get this fix) you automatically rotate guards when Tor gets started anew, and if you don't, it doesn't matter that we put out a new version.
Bug remains. Maybe I should merge this fix while I wait to see what a better fix might be?
(Also, I don't buy the logic that the fix is useless for people running since they won't upgrade. It is easily possible that your Tor has been running since 2011. I hope will also go months without a revision.)
So if the Tor client stays running for more than a month or two, its guard behavior deviates from normal.
Actually, it's worse: if the client stays running for a week, and it would have dropped its old guard on day 1 of that week, it doesn't. This turns things into a subtle statistical attack (which still seems bad).