We produced a bunch of pdfs for the mid March deadline, and I think we've had a bunch of pdfs for previous things too. They're all scattered, and soon they'll be lost to the sands of time.
We should gather a tech report page to track them.
Assigning to me so people aren't like "wtf close it", but do feel free to jump in and do it first if you like. :)
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Should we collect the other tech reports that are scattered around, decide on some criteria for calling a PDF a "Tor Tech Report," number them chronologically, and put them on the Tor website?
The main criteria I think are a) whether we'll still want people to read it down the road, and b) whether it's plausible that a paper will want to cite it someday.
I think txt files in the proposals directory shouldn't be. But things that are pdfs that we make a blog post about, when we don't publish them in a traditional academic venue, should.
There are grey areas though, like my research blog posts. I think they probably should count, since they're little mini research papers that I didn't make into pdfs but could probably get accepted at a workshop somewhere. The tie-breaker that makes them count is that other research papers are citing them.
Superseded technical reports should still be considered technical reports. They may still be useful for historical purposes.
Agreed. The goal here is to document our thoughts over time, not to pretend we never had any thoughts before the current ones. That said, marking old ones as superseded is a great thing to do.
So, now that we have a list of possible Tor Tech Reports, how do we proceed? I think one aspect we need to discuss is the process for publishing a Tor Tech Report. Here's a suggestion:
We define YYYY-NNNN as the numbering scheme with YYYY being the year and NNNN being a counter that starts at 0001. Numbers in a given year don't necessarily match publication order, especially not for past years. But that's probably fine.
We set up a tech-reports.git repository with all the LaTeX sources of published tech reports in their own subdirectory. Whenever someone wants to publish a tech report, they clone that repository, create a new directory YYYY/short-tech-report-title/, and put all their source files in there. They don't assign a tech report number yet. They send an email to tor-dev with the abstract or first introduction paragraph and links to their repo and to the PDF. Roger or Nick approve that their report should become a Tor Tech Report. The guy maintaining tech-reports.git (which could be me) pulls from the repo of whoever sent the tor-dev mail, assigns the next report number to it, puts the number in the LaTeX sources, merges them into the official tech-reports.git, puts the PDF on the Tor website, and replies to tor-dev that the report is available.
There are no formatting requirements to the report, except that they must contain a line "Tor Tech Report YYYY-NNNN" in their subtitle.
Changes to existing tech reports should be rare. It's okay to fix typos or add a footnote saying that the report is superseded by another report. But major updates should instead go into a new report.
After talking to Roger today, we came up with these modifications to the suggested process:
If tech report sources already exist in a different Tor Git repo, we don't have to copy them to the tech-reports.git repo. We should rather add a file pointing to the location containing the sources.
The tech report name should not only contain the year, but also the month. We came up with YYYY-MM-NN, which, in retrospect, could easily be confused as an ISO date. Maybe we should rather use YYYY-MM-NNN or YYYY-MM/NN.
I'm going to start converting old tech reports into the new format and will send them to tor-dev soon.
Trac: Status: new to assigned Owner: arma to karsten
The tech report name should not only contain the year, but also the month. We came up with YYYY-MM-NN, which, in retrospect, could easily be confused as an ISO date. Maybe we should rather use YYYY-MM-NNN or YYYY-MM/NN.
All reports from the original wiki:doc/TechReports wiki page have been converted to Tor Tech Reports. With that, I'll stop maintaining the wiki page. https://research.torproject.org/techreports.html is the place that has a recent list of reports. Copying the latest version of the wiki table here for reference and then deleting the wiki page. Also, closing this ticket. (Yay!)