The Firefox logo should be replaced by the Tor Browser logo.
The large word Firefox should be replaced with TorBrowser.
The text is wrong. Perhaps 'The TorBrowser is designed by The Tor
Project, based upon the Firefox browser, to keep you in control of your
privacy and anonymity online.'
The 'Privacy Policy' text and link needs to be removed.
The light grey text at the bottom about the Mozilla/Firefox trademarks
should be replaced with '"Tor" and the "Onion Logo" are registered
trademarks of The Tor Project, Inc.'
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I'd like to add that the version number displayed should be that of the bundle as a whole, instead of the current version of Firefox. So, for the current version: "2.2.35-10", followed by platform and architecture where appropriate, instead of "12". At the moment a "Get Info…" in OS X on the bundle as a whole reveals the version as "1.0", which is terribly uninformative. "About…" for Vidalia reveals the version as 2.2.35, so the architecture (in my case, 64-bit Intel) and "-10" are missing.
So, as it stands, it doesn't appear to be possible for a user to query the current version of their TorBrowserBundle. Seeing as TorBrowser is probably the aspect that most users are going to interact with most, it makes sense to make the current version of the bundle available in its "About" window.
So, as it stands, it doesn't appear to be possible for a user to query the current version of their TorBrowserBundle.
A released TBB's version should be shown in the first line of Docs/changelog inside every bundle. That's where the Tor Short User Manual tells users to look for the version number (to defend themselves against version-rollback attacks; see also #2340 (moved)).
You can also find the TBB version in [about:config], as the value of ‘torbrowser.version’. See also #5194 (closed).
-I think we should use a different logo, ideally the one we already use in other places (see tor-browser/browser/branding/official/default*.png) and which is more related to the one we have on the website (
-I wonder if we should use the same size as Mozilla does (192x192 IIRC) and how this would look like.
-The version text currently says something like "31.4.0Tor Browser tbb-nightly (based on Mozilla Firefox 31.4.0)". I think it should be "tbb-nightly (based on Mozilla Firefox 31.4.0)".
-The Mozilla Firefox Licensing link is confusing. Users might be irritated as they don't have a Firefox but a Tor Browser. Especially as about:license says things like: "Binaries of this product have been made available to you by the Mozilla Project".
what we should do, I think, is change the link text to "Tor Browser Licensing" and then we might think about removing/adapting the first two paragraphs in about:license + adding Tor Browser related licensing and leave the rest as-is.
Apart from the things above the changes look good to me.
Thanks for the review! I'll work on fixing all the issues you raise.
-I think we should use a different logo, ideally the one we already use in other places (see tor-browser/browser/branding/official/default*.png) and which is more related to the one we have on the website (
I can switch to this logo for now, although it might be worth discussing the logo situation, as we have several different logos (globes, onions, etc) appearing in different places on the Tor website and in the Tor Browser package and because of the heterogeneity, I don't think they are serving the usual purpose of logos, which is to be quickly recognizable. The onion I used is, I think, the most unique and visually appealing version of the several onions Tor (Browser) uses.
Thanks for the review! I'll work on fixing all the issues you raise.
-I think we should use a different logo, ideally the one we already use in other places (see tor-browser/browser/branding/official/default*.png) and which is more related to the one we have on the website (
I can switch to this logo for now, although it might be worth discussing the logo situation, as we have several different logos (globes, onions, etc) appearing in different places on the Tor website and in the Tor Browser package and because of the heterogeneity, I don't think they are serving the usual purpose of logos, which is to be quickly recognizable. The onion I used is, I think, the most unique and visually appealing version of the several onions Tor (Browser) uses.
Yes, I agree. I think having a new bug proposing to change/discuss that is the right way to go, though, as it is more or less orthogonal and might require more thought and input from other teams (legal, press...). Avoiding to grow the Tor Browser logo zoo further seemed to be a good starting point for me for now (first use just one logo, if possible, then discuss switching it in all places of relevance).
-I think we should use a different logo, ideally the one we already use in other places (see tor-browser/browser/branding/official/default*.png) and which is more related to the one we have on the website (
Logo has been changed to default*.png
-I wonder if we should use the same size as Mozilla does (192x192 IIRC) and how this would look like.
I ended up using 180 x 180, which seems to roughly match the Firefox logo in apparent size at 192 x 192.
-The version text currently says something like "31.4.0Tor Browser tbb-nightly (based on Mozilla Firefox 31.4.0)". I think it should be "tbb-nightly (based on Mozilla Firefox 31.4.0)".
I think I've fixed it. It requires the tor-browser.git patch to work.
-The Mozilla Firefox Licensing link is confusing. Users might be irritated as they don't have a Firefox but a Tor Browser. Especially as about:license says things like: "Binaries of this product have been made available to you by the Mozilla Project".
what we should do, I think, is change the link text to "Tor Browser Licensing" and then we might think about removing/adapting the first two paragraphs in about:license + adding Tor Browser related licensing and leave the rest as-is.
Makes sense. I've updated the link to have the text "Licensing Information" (same text as Mozilla Firefox), and added a ticket to fix about:license in the future (#14936 (moved)).
Ok. This is fixed in Torbutton commit 7fd169e56e60ff70254c2d60600fab88a03246da and Tor Browser commits 552bdedc60ddac8a7dba54363442bbfc282a94b5 and 25646ee4fcc9e6b910a1441616d744089a57dac5. The latter is a small fixup that keeps the line length below 80 chars (a thing I forgot to mention in my review). Another thing I forgot is that "based on" needs to get somehow localized, too, as the whole about dialog gets localized. This is #14941 (moved).
Trac: Status: needs_review to closed Resolution: N/Ato fixed