What exactly is the problem? Seems unlikely to me that it's on HTTPSEverywhere's end.
Besides, asking for HTTPSEverywhere to be changed because of what seems to be a flaw on your end is a bit bodacious, isn't it?
Looking at your site, it seems similar to Sync(h)Tube, and I believe that site functions fine with HTTPS. I suggest you look into how they handle things.
You can't possibly be suggesting you want a way for the users to be told to turn off encryption..
the problem has been described here [0] (the proposed solution doesn't work) and it's not on https everywhere side but on how the target website reacts to it
anyway, since https everywhere interaction is known to cause problems sometimes, adding a notification thing and letting web developers know what's going on may help track down and solve them.
FAQs suggest to disable the breaking rule [1]: I would like to do the same, being more specific
Sync(h)Tube can do it, I believe, so why can't you?
This seems to reside on YouTube(Google's) side though. It's possible that the offending rule in question can be disabled though.
In the ticket you linked to ([0]), they use HTTPS by default. Why are you unable to do this?
I don't know (yet, I hope).
The only thing I know for now is that the embedded player does not call my javascript callback functions as it should, and therefore I cannot ask it its state and react accordingly
Maybe (just guessing) it's because of a security restriction with my site being plain http and youtube being https
Ticket #6200 (moved) is about making it possible for the YouTube ruleset (or any other ruleset) to disable itself on some sites/pages (like presentz.org) that for some reason are incompatible.
Ticket #4408 (moved) is about the bug with the YouTube JS API in particular, but nobody seems to have examined it closely and proposed a patch.
Asheesh has suggested something similar, since he would like this functionality for testing at Eventbrite as they transition to full HTTPS coverage (yay!). His proposal is for us to do reporting similar to CSP reports to a known endpoint on the parent domain.