Hi eoinof, thanks for the catch! I'm planning to set up a continuing testing infrastructure for 2.5, 2.7, and 3.3 so we can catch these compatibility issues sooner but that's still a ways down the road.
The OrderedDict was only added in python 2.7
Damn, that's annoying. I'll look into making our own.
I don't understand your question. Copies of python 2.5 are still floating around. Iirc CentOS is actually still on 2.4 (though that's backward enough that I'm not supporting it).
Not necessary. By including a 2to3 conversion as part of the build we can support both the 2.x and 3.x series. Here's the setup.py that I wrote during the summit...
from stem import __version__, \ __author__, \ __contact__, \ __url__, \ __license__from distutils.core import setuptry: from distutils.command.build_py import build_py_2to3 as build_pyexcept ImportError: from distutils.command.build_py import build_pysetup(name = 'stem', version = __version__, description = 'Controller library for tor', license = __license__, author = __author__, author_email = __contact__, url = __url__, packages = ['stem', 'stem.descriptor', 'stem.response', 'stem.util'], cmdclass = {'build_py': build_py},)
It seems to work (I'm able to use stem via python 3 with the build output), but I haven't pushed this setup.py yet since I haven't tied in to stem's tests yet. I'd like to do that first to better validate the results...
Just pushed the spelling corrections that I mentioned on 'https://trac.torproject.org/7245' along with an overhaul of stem's API docs. You might find them to be a bit more readable now...