I don't understand what we should be worried about here. As far as I can tell, fixup is not applied if the URL already had what appeared to be a valid TLD suffix...
Trac: Owner: N/Ato mikeperry Component: Torbutton to TorBrowserButton
I don't understand what we should be worried about here. As far as I can tell, fixup is not applied if the URL already had what appeared to be a valid TLD suffix...
.onion does sound like a more serious problem. Would adding .onion to the list of TLD's Firefox decides not to fixup be an acceptable solution? Or should we consider that a separate ticket/issue?
Trac: Priority: normal to major Component: TorBrowserButton to Firefox Patch Issues
This doesn't strike me as a security or privacy issue per-se. Patches welcome.
Trac: Summary: TorButton should set browser.fixup.alternate.enabled to false to TorButton should not fixup .onion domains Priority: major to normal Owner: mikeperry to cypherpunks Status: new to assigned
I just tested a few alternate .onion domains, some that simply don't exist and some that were invalid. In neither case did TBB seem to attempt a fixup to .com...
I just noticed a fixup happen in TBB 5.0 for a .onion domain. Either the behavior changed again in FF38, or this is extremely erratic. In any case, it seems like we should either disable it or apply garrett's patch.
I was not able to get fixups to happen with .onion domains in my 5.5a1 build. For regular domains, e.g., "store.apple", I could only get fixups to occur (e.g., add "www" prefix) when I hacked my browser to not use a proxy. Maybe there is some difference in DNS failure modes with Tor that causes the fixup code to not be executed most of the time.
In any case, I am not a fan of this feature. I always run with browser.fixup.alternate.enabled = false and would vote for making that the default in Tor Browser.
I wonder if anyone relies on this feature? Since we have keyword.enabled = true by default, single words will trigger a search. Is there a common situation where the fixup behavior is useful?