This sounds very much like a support issue though. Also, there's not much to investigate here. Please try the email that Runa suggested. Closing.
It's not about supporting, it's about censorship that limits development progress. It requires careful investigation actually. Why censorship happens? What need to do to fix or bypass it without loss performance.
Somebody is going to answer. Please be patient. Please only re-open this ticket if there's anything a developer can do. This is a bug tracker. Closing.
Trac: Resolution: N/Ato not a bug Status: reopened to closed
I have answered. You need to provide more information, via email to, to help me figure out what's going on and why you are unable to connect to IRC.
This discussion belongs in the support desk until we can figure out what's going on. If we decide that it is, in fact, a development bug, we will open a new ticket on Trac. Please leave this ticket closed for now.
Trac: Status: reopened to closed Resolution: N/Ato not a bug
The problem is tjfontaine. it ruins oftc with it's behavior. it corrupted with unlimit power and now directly bans every host I used. no need to say that it's huge limit for development. I suggest to fix it by migrate to another network or some conversation with another ircops about it. Do you prefer to stop vols commits just because such ircop?
Trac: Priority: normal to critical Component: Ponies to Development Progress