I don't mind putting them back. Currently there's a parallel repo used for RPM builds, where main Tor code is merged. I was planning to create F18 packages after upgrading feddei to F18 this week (missed the date F18 went stable after many delays).
Use tor.spec.in from my repo, this one is for 0.2.4.x, another one for 0.2.3.x stable
Check changes done to Makefile.am, especially the dist-rpm target, they are related to EL5. I'd like to have one tor.spec.in that works for latest two EL and two latest Fedoras (EL5, EL6, F17 and F18 currently)
We're currently debating maintainership of Tor Fedora packages with Paul Wouters and Jamie Nguyen.
nickm: sorry for the confusion, but I think the tor.spec.in shouldn't be merged into 0.2.4.x or 0.2.5.x. Keep the git repo as is. (Neither Paul Wouters nor Jamie Nguyen added any opinion.)
Today, I've built RPM packages and cleaned up the historical SUSE, Madrake and RedFlag stuff from tor.spec.in. Making tor.spec.in an official part of the repo would mean that somebody would have to keep track of whatever changes that happened to the tor.spec.in file in my repo.