yeah, i've been getting three of these things the last two days. one wikipedia, one a popular blog, one i forgot. i'm attaching another one of these false certificates.
a related question, how do you find out which exit node is responsible when torbrowser gives you a ssl warning?
We added the badexit flag to two days ago.
Interestingly, I'd already added it to on March 6 on moria1, but tor26 and turtles hadn't because they weren't convinced. I think I just got tor26 to add it.
This is certainly a growing problem -- a particular entity is running many fast exits, many in Russia but not all, and doing this mitm thing. We might have to consider further steps in the arms race (the eventual step is to establish a strong social network between exit relay operators, but it would be good to put that off a while more).
You're using tor browser without vidalia? How odd.
getinfo circuit-status and then getinfo stream-status and then you can match them up. Assuming your browser hasn't hung up yet.
That said, if you're talking to the control port directly, listen to circ and stream events, and then you'll have a log of what happened in the past, which is even better.