I have also been experiencing this issue since updating to tbb2.3.25-8 linux 64. The vidalia logs do not show any problems or even changes when the browser crashes. The tor remains running and online. I have to manually exit and restart in order to get the browser open again. At first I thought it was potentially related to keystrokes commands, but now it is showing up randomly and often enough that it is obviously not about typing.
Trac: Keywords: N/Adeleted, TBB crashes added Priority: normal to critical Milestone: N/Ato TorBrowserBundle 2.3.x-stable Component: - Select a component to Tor Support Owner: N/Ato runa
How to crash 64-bit Linux tor-browser_en-US-2.3.25-8:
Unpack tor-browser-gnu-linux-x86_64-2.3.25-8-dev-en-US.tar.gz and
start it.
Log on to https://wordpress.com/ (contact me for account info if
you want to use the same that i used).
Press "New Post" and "Text".
Click on the window where the text is supposed to be entered. On my
first three tries, FF crashed instantly. On my fourth try i managed to
type a couple of letters. When clicking on the text field again, it
This was tested on a system calling itself 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian
3.2.41-2+deb7u2 x86_64 GNU/Linux.
Extra info:
FF seems to be very sensitive about its extensions. Installing
"RequestPolicy" makes FF extremely crashy even without running
Disabling NoScript and HTTPSEverywhere makes no difference.
Uninstalling ("Remove") NoScript and HTTPSEverywhere makes no difference.
Our current guess is that these crash bugs are due to issues with the official Debian build machines, or with Debian's toolchain. Builds compiled on Ubuntu do not crash. At all.
erinn: It looks like this latest series of crashes are caused by --enable-optimize on Squeeze still. It seems like we either need to upgrade the stable build VM to Wheezy, or build with --disable-optimize again.
Not sure if this is related to this bug-report.
But opening this site (as of 7. june) immediately crashes tor-browser. Always, this link will crash the browser.
erinn: It looks like this latest series of crashes are caused by --enable-optimize on Squeeze still. It seems like we either need to upgrade the stable build VM to Wheezy, or build with --disable-optimize again.
I imagine this has already occurred to other people, but: it seems like getting a non-crashy tbb out should be pretty high priority here.
Hmm, that's strange. The mozconfig in the source tree says --disable-optimize but the one in the build tree does indeed say --enable-optimize. Not sure if the clean target did something wrong or I did. rm -rf'ing the old tree by hand this time and rebuilding again now. Thanks, gk.
Ugh, I'm sorry. Combo problem of me and the build scripts: I was using the build-firefox target which doesn't copy the newly built Firefox to the right place, so it was just using the old one. I'm sorry.
After applying a binary patch to xul.dll to add the logic to return 0 if mRequest is NULL, it has not crashed for me at all after about 10 days of on-and-off use throughout each day, closing and re-opening it myself just once 2 days ago. And this is the build with optimizations enabled.
Ugh, I'm sorry. Combo problem of me and the build scripts: I was using the build-firefox target which doesn't copy the newly built Firefox to the right place, so it was just using the old one. I'm sorry.
Ugh, I'm sorry. Combo problem of me and the build scripts: I was using the build-firefox target which doesn't copy the newly built Firefox to the right place, so it was just using the old one. I'm sorry.