and port forwarding configured at router correctly, i can connect to its public address at port 443 and do sockstat and see that connection is established with 9443 local port.
Tor determines its public IP corectly, but fails to determine reachability.
Your server (A.B.C.D:443) has not managed to confirm that its ORPort is reachable. Please check your firewalls, ....
Trac: Username: hsn
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I think that reachability detection error is at client side. After getting error message about unreachable ORPort i started arm and see inbound connection from Snafu with lifetime 1.4h but i restarted node again and this time did not reset in arm, so real connection lifetime should be less.
But my point is that even if node successfully does incoming tor handshake with other tor nodes checking reachability, then it fails its reachability check.
Make reachability logic simple. If other node can connect, then node is reachable and publish descriptor to directory.
I assume that its safe to publish descriptor at first incoming connection from known tor node because directory authorities will recheck node anyway before giving him Running flag.
Currently i see 6 incoming connections and node will still think that its unreachable and do not publish anything.
I did lot of testing and thing which makes it work is switching between bridge and relay mode. If reachability depends on external server connecting in then most likely servers for checking relay reachability are configured differently from servers checking bridges.
Still not fixed in Tor v0.2.4.21. It is broken only in bridge mode. In relay mode it works fine. I can reproduce this only on some of my bridges. Some works 100%, some fail 100%, and some sometimes works and sometimes not.
I don't think we can go with "assume you're reachable if you have any incoming connections", because the reachability test is really checking for two things:
Is the bridge reachable?
Is the bridge reachable at the IP that it thinks is has?
So we're going to need to figure out what's going wrong with the regular reachability detection here. Is anybody else seeing this one? Has anybody managed to reproduce it?
Trac: Summary: Reachability detection not relieable to Bridge reachability detection not relieable Keywords: tor-relay bridge bufferevents deleted, tor-relay bridge added
We're hoping we can reproduce this. Could you paste your whole torrc, in case there's anything else there that's affecting this somehow? (Please remove any sensitive bits as appropriate)
Can you post a debug-level (or at least info-level) log from the bridge? I have a few theories but none of them make sense, and a log might help give me better hints.