HTTPS Everywhere 3.3 doesn't work in Firefox 15 or earlier
Here's some background:
Hi. It seems my HTTPS Everywhere doesn't work anymore. When I click on its icon, it displays only the prefs and about. When I click on Prefs, nothing happens. Any idea ? elesouef: what version of Firefox? what version of HTTPS Everywhere? and what errors do you see in the Firefox error console ? (or maybe you're using chrome?...) pde, sorry. forgot to tell these infos : iceweasel 10.0.12, HTTPS Everywhere 3.3.1. oh dear, sounds like a problem with old firefoxes fsck what do you see in the error console? Erreur : HTTPSEverywhere is not defined Fichier Source : chrome://browser/content/browser.xul Ligne : 1Erreur : HTTPSEverywhere is not defined Fichier Source : chrome://https-everywhere/content/toolbar_button.js Ligne : 209 anything before that? nope (that's not the real error, just a symptom) sounds strange to me, I was sure it was working some weeks ago. what if you click "errors" rather than "messages"? pde: I get Error: missing ) after formal parameters Source File: file:///home/thomas/.mozilla/firefox/profile/extensions/ Line: 606, Column: 33 Source Code: get_prefs: function(prefBranch = PREFBRANCH_ROOT) { yep pde, these are errors, not messages. looks like Micah's bugs I will bug him about them this is bad, none of us are in SF to release a fix pde, maybe I should reinstall it. Having emptied iceweasel config file for https everywhere lines ? reinstalling it won't fix it the error you're seeing is almost certainly caused by the one GeKo is seeing upgrading to iceweasel 17 might help you pde, huh... or downgrading to an older https everywhere (https everywhere like all firefox extensions auto upgrades... and a bugfix in a recent release was not backwards compatible with iceweasel 10 apparently agreed. what's the version I should use ? try... if that doesn't work, step backwards towards 3.2 pde, it works with version 3.2.4. Thanks very much. I disabled the automatic upgrade for this extension. (03:42:55 PM) GeKo is reporting the error as being here: (03:42:56 PM) (03:44:28 PM) is it possible that default argument values were added to JS sometime after firefox 10, and you used them? (03:45:02 PM) (03:45:09 PM) looks like FF < 15 will be broken (03:45:56 PM) micah lee: oh, eeek