We're not going to build TBB for PPC. Firefox doesn't even build on PPC anymore. However, the source for TBB is available, so you should definitely feel free to try to get it building yourself if it's so important. Good luck!
Trac: Resolution: N/Ato wontfix Status: new to closed
We're not going to build TBB for PPC. Firefox doesn't even build on PPC anymore. However, the source for TBB is available, so you should definitely feel free to try to get it building yourself if it's so important. Good luck!
.. and in Wheezy. Please don't dismiss so quickly.
Wheezy right now has 17ESR, unstable (sid) has 24ESR. I don't know how I'd build myself if you say it doesn't anyway?
Tor should be accessible to all and I know a great deal of people running on PowerPC arch that would love to use TBB but can't. If Debian are able, Tor Project should be able, too?
Trac: Resolution: wontfix toN/A Status: closed to reopened
I'm not dismissing quickly. We made a decision years ago not to make TBBs for PPC platforms, specifically on OSX. It's a lot of work for hardly any users on a platform we do not have access to, and on OSX PPC is definitely no longer a supported platform by Firefox:
If you want to make it work on Linux PPC then that's awesome and it sounds like you might have some luck. It's possible it might just build out of the box for you, even. But The Tor Project is not going to do it.
Trac: Status: reopened to closed Resolution: N/Ato wontfix
It's not as if you don't have the money to pay for PPC builds...It's a well known fact that this project has millions going to it, and millions to use for things like this...And it's evident that you aren't spending your money wisely either -- look at the poor excuse of "hidden services" that you offer. I know for a fact that it would be no problem to get 1 single person to work on PPC builds -- and yet you don't.
What are you ACTUALLY spending all of this money that you receive from everywhere and everyone?
Because based on what I'm seeing, it's not being spent on anything related to the Tor Project.
And the fact that you refuse to create a browser bundle -- you can't buy a machine for $200 out of your millions and then have 1 person, that's right, 1 person compile it...Is absolutely PATHETIC.
The Tor Project and everyone working on it should be ashamed of themselves.
For not only disregarding the freedom of many people in need, but for wasting the money -- the money that has been donated by people who probably could have used it for things like food, but instead, decided to donate it to the common good.
And yet you aren't using it for the common good. You're using it for who knows what, but what I do know, is that you're not spending it on anything related to The Tor Project.
Trac: Resolution: wontfix toN/A Status: closed to reopened
You speak as if the only cost to supporting the Mac PowerPC platform is purchasing an old build machine building on it. That is not even close to the case. If it were, a volunteer would have done it already.
You seem to be grossly misinformed as to the nature and costs of software development work, especially on a platform that is unsupported by both the OS vendor (Apple) and the upstream software provider that we rely on (Mozilla).
Even still, we are not going to argue cost/benefits of this with you. It is a waste of time, given the situation with Apple and MacOS for Power PC.
Tor makes security software. We will not provide security software to users running an operating system that is not providing security updates to their users. Full stop. This is an issue you should take up with Apple, or with an alternate OS vendor for the Power PC platform.
For example, the Debian Project is willing to provide a PowerPC OS distribution with security updates based on Linux. I suggest you contact the Debian Project about providing Power PC Tor Browser builds, and ask them how you can help.
Such an effort could also be used by ARM and other non-x86 architectures that are far more popular and prevalent than PowerPC (you'll note that we also do not provide ARM, MIPS or Sparc packages ourselves, either).
This will all happen faster if you help, and I look forward to seeing your patches to help make this all work! Good luck!
Trac: Owner: erinn to cypherpunks Summary: Include PowerPC Tor Browser to Work with Debian or another FOSS vendor to provide non-x86 TBB packages Status: reopened to assigned Type: defect to project Priority: critical to normal
I wanted to make one Vidalia-including version for completeness sake, if not anything else. I will try 3.5 next, but initially the gitian based build system seemed too complicated for this case. Cross-compiling is probably largely untested for the target in current compilers and clang isn't even fully working natively, yet. If there's an alternative way of building the bundle, even for just debugging purposes, I'd like to know.
Btw. Would I need to tick the U.S. export controls field in the sourceforge project for Tor Browser? I suppose I do, but am not really familiar with the whole cryptography export deal.