Let's highlights some easy development tasks and asks TWN readers to help out in. This page list tickets candidate for an “Easy development tasks to get involved with” column.
These development tasks should be fairly simple and not take more than a few hours for a new volunteer. They should also not take much less time, or we should rather do them ourselves. The main goal would be to get new volunteers interested in hacking on Tor stuff.
Tasks should be confirmed suitable by tickets owner so that we don't waste everyone's time if it's an old, irrelevant ticket.
Waiting on ticket/component owner
Ready to run
Already covered
- TWN 2014/20: Stem (#11335 (closed)), Obfsproxy (#9823 (closed))
- TWN 2014/21: Metrics Website (#11799 (moved))
- TWN 2014/22: BridgeDB (#11216 (moved))
- TWN 2014/23: Obfsproxy (#9822 (closed))
- TWN 2014/24: N/A
- TWN 2014/25: Tor (#4019 (moved))
- TWN 2014/26: N/A
- TWN 2014/27: Ooni (#11983 (closed))
- TWN 2014/28: Flashproxy (#10847 (closed))
- TWN 2014/29: N/A
- TWN 2014/30: N/A
- TWN 2014/31: Tor Launcher (#10573 (moved))
- TWN 2014/32: BridgeDB (#9332 (moved))
- TWN 2014/33: N/A
- TWN 2014/34: Torflow (#3440 (moved))
- TWN 2014/35: N/A
- TWN 2014/36: Tor (#12093 (moved) & #11444 (moved))
- TWN 2014/37: N/A
- TWN 2014/38: Tor (#2743 (moved))
- TWN 2014/39: N/A
- TWN 2014/40: oonibackend (#13116 (closed))