<h1 style="color: green">Welcome</h1>
Welcome to Tor's combined bug tracker, wiki, code development statistics tracker, and roadmap website. Choose [/newticket New Ticket] to create a new bug report or feature request. Use the [/query trac bug search] to see if it has been already posted.
Most of the content here is written by volunteers. It does not represent the official opinion of The Tor Project. Use with care.
If you find a topic you want to fix, expand, or create, please either create an account or use the multi-user account cypherpunks with the password _writecode_ ^Note that edits will be credited to the cypherpunks account and not you personally^.
This is a work in progress, it may contain bogus content. Occasionally, WikiStart might be replaced with WikiStartAlternate by admins.
General Tor Links
- Official Tor homepage. Also available as a hidden service.
- Official documentation. Also available as a hidden service.
- Official Tor package archive. Also available as a hidden service.
- Official Tor media archive. Contains all images, videos, and misc files. Also available as a hidden service.
- [/ Official wiki and bugtracker for Tor]. Also available as a hidden service.
- Frequently Asked Questions. Sometimes with answers. Also available as a hidden service.
- Unanswered FAQ. Also available as a hidden service.
- Interested in Volunteering? Also available as a hidden service.
- The Tor Metrics Project. Also available as a hidden service.
- Photos of the Tor T-Shirt in action! Also available as a hidden service.
- TorMirror, how to host a mirror of torproject.org. Also available as a hidden service.
Tor Wiki
- [TitleIndex Index of all wiki sites by title]. Also available as a hidden service.
- [RecentChanges Index of all wiki sites by date] (recent changes). Also available as a hidden service.
- Tor Wiki Changes mailing list helps you to keep track of wiki changes. Either subscribe or read through the archives.
Tor and IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
- List of IRC/chat networks that block Tor. Also available as a hidden service.
- List of IRC/chat networks that support Tor. Also available as a hidden service.
For Tor relay administrators
- [TorRelayGuide Configuring a Tor relay] on Tor Wiki. Also available as a hidden service.
- Good/bad ISPs for running Tor servers. Also available as a hidden service.
- DNS Hijacking. Also available as a hidden service.
- Reduced Exit Policy is an alternative to the default exit policy. Less harassment for running a Tor Exit. Also available as a hidden service.
- Tor Abuse Templates: How to answer abuse complaints, DCMA, etc. Also available as a hidden service.
- Tor Guide Universities, How do I make my University / ISP / etc happy with my exit node? Also available as a hidden service.
- Using Tor With Vservers. Also available as a hidden service.
Tor in Amazon Cloud. Cheap Tor servers, easy setup. Also available as a hidden service.(discontinued as of May 8, 2015) - Diagnose how tor is being blocked in order to help others in the same situation. Also available as a hidden service.
Installing and Configuring Tor
- Operational security for Tor (Covering different operating systems.) Also available as a hidden service.
- Transparently routing traffic through Tor: Using Tor's transparent proxy feature. Also available as a hidden service.
- Transparent Proxy Leaks, possible leaks through Transparent Proxy. Also available as a hidden service.
- How to get Tor to forward its connections over SSH by chrisd. Also available as a hidden service.
Using Tor with various applications
- Torify HOWTO: Guide on how to Tor-ify various applications by Thomas Sjogren
- Support Programs: A list of programs you might want to use in association with Tor
- Run Tor client on a remote machine and connect with a client ssh by tyranix
- Running Tor on AVM Fritz!Box (German) by [knox])
- OnionCat - A Tor-based anonymous VPN. Allows users to tunnel TCP, UDP, ICMP or any other protocol through Tor.
- App Armor profile for the Tor Browser Bundle
- BIND - Create your own cached DNS server
- Remailing And Tor
- Torwin32DNS Tor socks dns leak problem fix for win32 (Windows XP) using treewalk, by C. Wilson
- Preventing DNS Leaks in Tor with dsocks by tyranix
- Preventing DNS Leaks by chemicalx
- TorBirdy is Torbutton for Thunderbird, Icedove and related Mozilla mail clients. It may also work with other non-web browser Mozilla programs such as Sunbird.
- Run Tor in a chroot by Steven Murdoch
- Tor packages on Debian
- Scripts for setting up Tor in an OpenBSD chroot by tyranix
- Run Tor client in an OpenBSD chroot (see above script) by tyranix
- Replacement torctl (control script) for OpenBSD users running Tor in chroot by torrclemeelmo
- Configuring Tor to have flexible bandwidth policies through Cron Jobs in Unix by Silivrenion
- Bandwidth Controller Script for Tor by Bogdan Drozdowski
- How to block all local outbound non-Tor traffic in Debian
- Configuring a centralized Tor and Polipo server for your network by Aaron Ciuffo
- Configuring Tor to run in OS X under launchd by DougRansom
- To host your own onion service, see this guide by Mike M, or Lighttpd & Tor
Live CD / USB
- Tails, Debian-based, all outgoing connections using Tor, CD or USB, no writing to hdd. Born from the merge of the Incognito and amnesia projects. Up to date as in July 2012.
- Liberté Linux, Gentoo-based, lightweight, USB or SD, focus on stealth communication
- Live CD Best Practices, for users and devs alike
- Roll your own with Debian Live!, by torrclemeelmo
- Privatix LiveCD/USB, Debian + Tor + Firefox + Torbutton + persistent system, config and home on an encrypted usb-key
Tor in a Box and Virtual Machines
- Tails; Live CD/USB distribution preconfigured to use Tor safely.; listed on https://www.torproject.org; with Tor enforcement
- Whonix, Whonix (called TorBOX or aos in past) is an anonymous general purpose operating system based on Virtual Box, Ubuntu GNU/Linux and Tor. All outgoing connections using Tor. Non-offical, community project.
- Torouter; alpha; with transparent Tor wifi hotspot
- Tor and the DreamPlug; similar networking/firewall
- Tor and OpenWRT; similar networking/firewall
- Transparent Proxy; it offers: 1. Transparently anonymizing traffic for a specific user; 2. Local Redirection Through Tor; 3. Anonymizing Middlebox; 4. Local Redirection and Anonymizing Middlebox
- Transocksifying Tor; now outdated; back when Tor didn't natively support TransPort; uses a different firewall with DNAT
- PELD; specification and implementation (in the form of Tails
- A Tor Virtual Machine Design and Implementation; design document
- Liberté Linux; Live CD based on hardened Gentoo; No isolation between client applications and Tor, infrequent security releases.
- Setup Tor Relay with KVM
Tor in the media
Development of Tor and Tor related projects
- How To Release Tor
- Important Google Chrome Bugs
- Monitoring Framework
- PETS 2011 Ethics Panel
- SupportPolicy
- SupportPolicy v2
- Tech Reports
- Terms Observed, This is part of the anonymity terminology project. The project goal is to come up with a proposed consensus about what the terms we use to describe implementations in anonymity networks actually mean.
- TorBrowserBundle
- TorBrowserBundle/Alpha
- TorBrowserBundle/OSX
- TorBrowserBundle/OSX/Security
- Windows Buffer Problems
- arm
- build/AddingBuildSlaves
- build / Build Signoff: The Tor Browser Bundle Volunteer QA process
- build / List Of Packages
- farsi-bridges
- farsi-tor
- stem
- talks / Moscow State 2010
- A list of ideas about how to make Privoxy more useful and more suitable for use with Tor
- Development of a solution to allow Tor users to participate in Wikipedia
- Hidden services naming scheme demystified by bebop
- Testing: testing Tor, with a current focus on the Tor Browser Bundle and attached components
- Coding For Tor
- Coding For Tor/Logging And Documentation
- Coding For Tor/ Coding In R
- Coding For Tor /Coding In C
Tor Router
- Torouter
- Torouter/Roadmap
- OpenWRT setup notes
- ExcitoB3
- Torouter/OSX USB Issues
- DreamPlug
- Debian on DreamPlug
- Tor DreamPlug
- Excito
- Tips and Links for running Tor in an embedded environment
- OpenWRT, Tor is generally well maintained on OpenWRT and it relies on community support.
Get paid to work on Tor!
- If you're a student, come work with us full-time over the summer as part of the Google Summer of Code!
Legal Stuff
The tor doc on this site is distributed under the X11 license. If you don't want your text to be distributed under that license, don't add to this wiki. "Tor" and the "Onion Logo" are registered trademarks of The Tor Project, Inc. More at Legal Stuff.