WARNING - Do NOT use JanusVM (http://www.janusvm.com) - WARNING
- Roger Dingledine said, that "JanusVM is not safe", reference: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-talk/2011-December/022446.html
- the JanusVM developers are currently inactive
- latest JanusVM release is from Jan-2010, but Tor was updated and advised to update afterwards, JanusVM does therefore not include the most current version of Tor
- as soon as VPN breaks down for any reason all open programs will continue to use your normal non-torified internet connection and therefore leak your IP
- with a proper configuration no dns leak fix on VPN-client would be necessary
- JanusVM uses Open Source software but does not release it's source code or how to build it
- there are no direct reasons to distrust JanusVM or it's developers
- there are no signs that JanusVM or it's developers are evil, they just seam to be away, in future this project might maybe see new light