The following tickets all have the "metrics-2017" keyword, meaning that the Metrics team is trying to resolve them within 2017.
This is a temporary wiki page to make sure we can resolve all or most of these tickets by the end of 2017. It will be deleted in January 2018.
=Ticket | =Summary | =Next steps |
#13562 (moved) | Add more detailed logging to backend and frontend components | karsten might be a good person to do this |
#16225 (moved) | Unify exception/error handling in metrics-lib | iwakeh and karsten should discuss what work remains here |
#16513 (moved) | Make writing of the out/ directory from the status/ directory deterministic | karsten has a local branch that needs testing and review and maybe tweaking before iwakeh can review it |
#17488 (moved) | ExoneraTor hangs forever on old known-positive test | karsten should ask Sebastian for his latest schema improvements and adapt and include them, which is a medium-sized project in itself |
#19282 (moved) | Avoid truncating descriptors while storing them | iwakeh might look into this as part of moving the persistence layer forward |
#19754 (moved) | Restructure metrics-web backend | iwakeh might be a good person to do this, as they worked on most tickets related to build process or project structure |
#20053 (moved) | Plan refactoring of metrics-web modules | iwakeh should say what part of this ticket is actionable, rather than a general statement that we need to make this code better, and maybe we should narrow down scope or resolve as not being actionable |
#20234 (moved) | Add CollecTor's file-structure protocol | karsten should do another, very careful review together with #20287 (moved) before this goes online |
#20287 (moved) | Perform another review of CollecTor's file protocol and fix any remaining differences to the code | karsten should review this together with #20234 (moved) |
#20325 (moved) | Perform available space check using the partition recent is located on | iwakeh should revisit this ticket to see if this is still an actual issue and ideally come up with a small patch |
#20430 (moved) | Define common log levels | karsten should work on this in the context of #20540 (moved) |
#20540 (moved) | Define common log levels for all Java codebases | karsten should sit down and rewrite log statements for an entire code base (to ensure consistency) for review by iwakeh |
#20546 (moved) | Implement CleanUtils class for common file system operations | iwakeh should say whether the existing patch is useful or not and suggest next steps |
#20549 (moved) | Implement SanitizedBridgeServerDescriptor class that encapsulates the sanitizing logic for bridge server descriptors | iwakeh should review karsten‘s branch |
#20983 (moved) | Stop sanitizing contact information from bridge descriptors | karsten should start a tor-dev@ thread and ask whether this is okay to do |
#21087 (moved) | Separate truncated descriptor(s) from next complete descriptor | karsten should investigate further and provide a patch |
#21354 (moved) | Make Onionoo more memory-efficient | iwakeh and karsten should discuss whether it‘s worth making smaller changes now, and then either make them or close as wontfix |
#21365 (moved) | Investigate whether descriptor parsing is guaranteed to be thread-safe | iwakeh might be able to say whether Java 8 streams will indirectly solve this issue for us |
#21701 (moved) | Make it clearer that graphs showing bridge users by country and by country and transport are not the same | karsten should come up with some text to make it clearer what graphs are about, or alternatively change the start graph for by country and transport to something else |
#21883 (moved) | Perform one-off analysis for number of relays a bwauth decided the median for | karsten should review tom‘s graphs and comment on whether they are what we were looking for |
#21933 (moved) | Fix deserialization of UTF-8 characters in details statuses and documents | karsten should look more at the code and test some things |
#22261 (moved) | Remove the $ from family fingerprints | karsten needs to include a change log entry and merge this by end of November or early December |
#22428 (moved) | Add webstats module | iwakeh is going to work on this after #23243 (moved) |
#22512 (moved) | Add enums for keywords used in exit lists, Torperf measurement results, bridge pool assignments, and soon sanitized web logs | iwakeh would be a good person to prepare a patch, and karsten would be good to review, tweak, and merge that |
#22583 (moved) | Replace code where we iterate over a directory using a Stack with FileVisitor | karsten or iwakeh might go through the code, identify places where we iterate over a directory, and write and test patches |
#22674 (moved) | Consider changing instance methods to static methods | karsten should track down what we merged, and then karsten or iwakeh should write a patch that changes methods in all code bases |
#22678 (moved) | Look into existing Java Collections classes as replacement for BlockingIteratorImpl | iwakeh might be able to say whether we still need this after doing Java 8 improvements or not |
#22834 (moved) | Decide what to do with UnparseableDescriptors while synchronizing from another instance | iwakeh should review karsten‘s idea on #23421 (moved) to store any descriptor received from another CollecTor instance if only the publication time and a few other fields can be parsed |
#22983 (moved) | Add a Descriptor subinterface and implementation for Tor web server logs | iwakeh is going to work on this after #23243 (moved) |
#22990 (moved) | Add a heartbeat log message indicating progress and estimated time left | iwakeh said they‘ll work on this, but karsten could do that as well |
#23046 (moved) | Add sub-interface LogDescriptor.LogLine (and the extension to WebServerAccessLogLine) | iwakeh is going to work on this after #23243 (moved) and the related implementation tickets are resolved |
#23169 (moved) | Explain why metrics are important and what we do to make sure they're safe | irl might be a good person to take this one, because he is most in contact with our users via his Atlas work and because he might be less biased by not knowing all the implementation details of the other metrics code bases yet |
#23285 (moved) | Provide an index.json file on Tor Metrics containing stats files | iwakeh should review this idea and might have ideas for producing the new index.json file without rewriting existing code |
#23348 (moved) | Update all documentation markdown files | iwakeh might be able to write a patch that karsten then reviews |
#23421 (moved) | Use persistence functionality throughout all modules | iwakeh and karsten will discuss this more |
#23518 (moved) | Turn Atlas into page on Tor Metrics | irl and karsten should sit down and discuss possible technical issues |
#23549 (moved) | Move ExoneraTorServlet to metrics-web | karsten should ask around whether a stand-alone ExoneraTor is something that people want, and then we can decide about next steps |
#23752 (moved) | Use Java 8 features in all of Metrics' Java products (Summary ticket) | iwakeh should suggest a plan for when to make what changes together with karsten |
#24028 (moved) | Provide a modernized API for metrics-lib | iwakeh is going to work on a prototype, but this is a non-trivial amount of work |
#24222 (moved) | Adapt Metrics-Web to using metrics-base | iwakeh works on this together with ExoneraTor changes |
The table of the current state of 'metrics-2017' tickets for reference: [[TicketQuery(component^=Metrics,format=table,keywords=metrics-2017,order=changetime,desc=true,col=id|summary|status|owner|changetime,group=status)]]