What it detects
- Detects the presence of a censor that injects forged DNS replies when it detects an blacklisted domain name
- A list of domain names.
- A non-existent DNS resolver(such as, which should be queried through a DNS injector(such as Great Firewall of China).
- From inside the censored network(prober), send DNS queries with the domain names to a non-existent DNS servers, going through the DNS injector(such as GFW) .
- If, for a domain name, the prober gets a DNS reply, then this domain name is supposed to be injected.
- Otherwise ( the query timeout), this domain name is not injected.
- A list of domain names injected(blocked).
This is the kind of censorship that is happening in china as illustrated in this paper: http://conferences.sigcomm.org/sigcomm/2012/paper/ccr-paper266.pdf