#6246 (moved))
UAE (Summary of the current situation
Short summary about current situation.
First witnessed
The Emirates Telecommunications Corporation, also known as Etisalat, started blocking Tor using DPI on June 25 2012.
Last witnessed
The block might still be ongoing but probably not in the entire country. The usage statistics went back up after a sudden drop in the end of June.
Types of Tor censorship
Deep packet inspection: #6246 (moved)
- Fingerprint: unknown
Types of non-Tor censorship
- Unknown.
Ways to bypass censorship
- Special bridges with a patch that removes 0x0039 from SERVER_CIPHER_LIST seem to work.
- Obfsproxy evades the DPI boxes too.
Type of firewall
- Unknown.
Reproducing the blocking
- Binaries, patches etc can be found in censorship-timeline.git