Welcome to the Tor Browser page.
Tor Browser is developed as part of the Applications team.
Browser Informational Pages
- Release Schedule for Tor Browser in the next couple of months.
- Personas
- The Tor Browser Hacking Guide gives an overview of how to get started with Tor Browser development.
- Debugging
- Tor Browser Code Bases
- Nightly Builds Download
- Nightly Builds Setup has information about the setup we use to build and sign nightly builds
Design Document - last updated June 15th, 2018
- Tor Browser's Features - based on the design document
- Triaging It needs to be updated
- Updating It needs to be updated
- Supported Platforms
- Platform-Specific Installation It needs to be updated
- Tails uses Tor Browser
- Signing Keys
- Upcoming Version Change Log
- Tor Browser Build Machines
- Tor Browser Build documentation (tor-browser-build.git/doc)
- Auditing Firefox Versions
- Track Mozilla Release Train
- Quality Assurance on Tor Browser Releases
- See also tor-browser-spec.git
Unsupported Documentation
Archive: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/TorBrowser