ficus's plan for Spring 2013 is:
- get vanilla Debian running on a new open hardware ARM platform
- improve torouter-live build process for generating images
- test debian's grsec patch package on new ARM hardware
- finish a relatively stable, releasable CLI-oriented (arm, hand edited config files) torouter image for the new hardware
- improve torouterui such that it has minimal viable functionality for router use
The Old Proposed Fall 2012 Roadmap
Iterate Build/Package System, Quick-Flash Development DreamPlug Image Sept 22nd (-> Sept 24nd)
build system in placepartially-functional torouteruilibertas_uap issue work around-
unsigned .img file posted online:
Functional DreamPlug Image Sept 30th (-> Nov 30th)
SD card media- "works for me" functionality
- web interface authentication strategy
- cron auto-security-updates
- rate limiting
- tor configuration via torouterui
skeleton documentation- OONI integration
Hardened DreamPlug Image Oct 15th (-> Dec 31st)
- "device initialization"
- hidden service HTTP hosting
- custom kernel build (grsec etc)
- integrate tls-based ntp replacement
- integrate hardened dhcpd and dhclient replacements
- .deb repository GPG signing keyrings and workflow in place
End-User Beta-Ready Image Oct 30th (-> Feb 2013)
- justified design document (aka, reviewed proposal of functionality)
- reviewed and documented "default configuration" behavior
- web interface translation framework
- documentation translation framework
See also status update from March 2012
This is the current working road map and release schedule for the DreamPlug Torouter - this document is not final and should be discussed extensively.
Our plan to complete this task list is outlined below.
July 16th, 2011 - Basic OS prototype and hardware proving - Goals - Understanding what the hardware is able to do (e.g. #2977 (closed)) - Install and configure Debian on the DreamPlug - Status - Capabilities and limitations documented in #3374 (closed) - Documented the Debian installation process on - Tasks - #3374 (closed)
July 24th, 2011 - Alpha-test prototype ready for demo at the tor-dev meeting - Goals - A device that hard core Tor developers could use for Torouter/Tor development - A plan to understand specific features for the alpha-test prototype (see #3477 (closed)) - Document how to install and configure software mentioned in #3477 (closed) - Status - Work in progress - Currently documenting installation and configuration procedures on - Tasks - #3477 (closed)
August 15th, 2011 - Feature complete Alpha-test prototype - Goals - A device that semi-technical Debian users should feel comfortable using - A general support plan (see #3478 (closed)) - A specific feedback plan and process (see #3479 (closed) and #3646 (closed)) - Remote access to admin the Torouter (see #3480 (closed)) - A basic UI (see #3664 (closed)) - A rate limited Tor bridge or relay (see #3481 (closed)) - A meta package to configure everything (see #3647 (closed)) - At least two weeks of actual Tor network testing (see #3482 (closed)) - Status - No Alpha-test progress to report - Tasks - #3478 (closed), #3479 (closed), #3480 (closed), #3374 (closed), #3481 (closed), #3482 (closed), #3647 (closed)
October 30th, 2011 - Alpha-test shipping - Goal - A support plan (see #3478 (closed)) - A Tor upgrade and security maintenance plan (see #3484 (closed)) - An OS upgrade and security maintenance plan (see #3485 (closed)) - A plan to select testers (see #3486 (closed)) - A plan to collect feedback from all testers (see #3487 (closed)) - A plan to discuss feedback and to iterate for the next test run (see #3488 (closed)) - Hardware flashed running Alpha-test firmware (see #3489 (closed)) - Status - Hardware is allocated but not re-flashed - No further progress to report - Tasks - #3484 (closed), #3485 (closed), #3486 (closed), #3487 (closed), #3488 (closed), #3489 (closed)
November 1st, 2011 - Alpha-test feedback and Torouter iteration report back - Goal - Understand successes and failures (see #3490 (closed)) - Iterate and improve Torouter for Beta-test (see #3491 (closed)) - Status - No progress to report - Tasks - #3490 (closed), #3491 (closed)
November 15th, 2011 - Beta-test prototype - Goal - A plan to select Beta-testers (see #3492 (closed)) - A plan to collect feedback from all testers (see #3494 (closed)) - A plan to discuss feedback and to iterate for the next test run (see #3495 (closed)) - Hardware flashed running Alpha-test firmware (see #3493 (closed)) - Status - No progress to report - Tasks - #3492 (closed), #3493 (closed), #3494 (closed), #3495 (closed)
December 1st, 2011 - Beta-test release date - Goal - A plan to select testers (see #XXX) - A plan to collect feedback from all testers (see #XXX) - A plan to discuss feedback and to iterate for the next test run (see #XXX) - Hardware flashed running Beta-test firmware (see #XXX) - Status - No progress to report - Tasks - #XXX
December 15th, 2012 - First generally available shipping release - Goal - A tutorial that will turn any DreamPlug into a Torouter - A store where users may purchase pre-flashed routers - "give one, get one" model - see #XXX - Ongoing user and software support - Status - No progress to report - Tasks - See #XXX
The full Torouter task list is as follows (please note that some tickets are not related to the DreamPlug) : [[TicketQuery(component=Torouter,order=status,format=table,col=id|summary|status|priority|keywords|owner|)]]