The primary way to use bridges is to go to . Solve the CAPTCHA there, and it will give you up to three lines, for example(these are working): bridge bridge, you open Vidalia by double-clicking the green onion in the system tray. Go to Settings -> Network. Tick "My ISP blocks connections to the Tor network".New boxes will appear below. Use the edit line and add only the IP:Port pairs.For this example, you would first enter , then press the green"+" sign on the right. The IP will appear below in the larger box. Then, youenter , press the green "+" sign. You can repeat this for asmany bridges as you have. Then, click OK. Now, if Tor is still/already running,press "Stop Tor", wait, then "Start Tor" again.If is blocked for you, you can get bridges by emailing The rest of the process is the same. Just makesure you don't paste in the "bridges" part of the lines in Vidalia. We areworking on a version that removes it automatically.Hope this helps!