Tor Videos
Purpose of having videos
What's the point of having videos? Who is the intended audience? Are these videos linked from FAQ entries to explain more complex problem solutions more quickly? Are links to these videos given out when people contact support? Are (some of) these videos going to be linked directly from the Tor homepage? Are we further planning to make videos for demos or talks and re-use them for support? Whenever we decide to make a video, let's keep in mind that videos are particularly hard to update, and that having outdated documentation videos can be worse than having no videos at all.
Ideas for videos
The following items need more explanation. What's supposed to be covered by these videos, who's the intended audience, etc. We'll want to prioritize here, because we cannot make (good) videos for everything, so the description should contain arguments why a video would be more important to have than others. If there are storyboards or existing videos, they should be linked here. Maybe we decide that existing videos are perfect for a purpose, or we decide to improve them based on what we have.
Tor 101, General Anonymity using Tor, ideally in multiple languages
Existing videos: Tor 101, General Anonymity using Tor (English, Arabic)
Also add criticism to existing videos here, ideally signed with initials like [-KL].
Using Tor Browser Bundle
Existing video: Tor Browser Bundle Training - Usage
Downloading and verifying Tor Browser Bundle, ideally for all supported OSes
Existing videos: Windows, Linux, Mac OS
Introduction to Hidden Services
Existing video: Introduction to Hidden Services
How to setup a bridge
How to setup a bridge using Tor Cloud
How to setup a relay
How to setup an exit relay
How to setup a hidden service
How to use FlashProxy
Technical guidelines
We'll probably want much more detailed guidelines on how we want to make our videos.
- The output format should be mp4.
- For conversions use avidemux or ffmpeg.
Copied over from org/sponsors/SponsorO/videos
Progress page for sub-task 2.2:
- 2.2.1 - Identify existing short videos - **Sherief **, owner(s)?
- 2.2.2 - Determine number of videos and topics - **Sherief **, owner(s)?
- 2.2.3 - Identify measurement to track usage - Sherief, owner(s)?
- 2.2.4 - Create a “test” at the end of the videos to measure effectiveness and knowledge transfer - Sherief, owner(s)?
2.2.1 - Existing videos:
- General Anonymity using Tor
- General Anonymity using Tor Arabic
- Tor Browser Bundle Training - Usage
- Tor Browser Bundle Training - How to Download and verify - Windows
- Tor Browser Bundle Training - How to Download and verify - Linux
- Tor Browser Bundle Training - How to Download and verify - Mac OS
- Tor 101
- Introduction to Hidden Services
Note: I revised all relevant content on media.tpo and found out that most of it is outdated.
2.2.2 - Topics that need videos:
- How to setup a bridge.
- How to setup a bridge using Tor Cloud.
- How to setup a relay.
- How to setup an exit relay.
- How to setup a hidden service.
- Tor 101 - the basics of digital safety
- How to use FlashProxy
2.2.3 - Identify measurement to track usage:
-Would something like how many people watched Y video suffice?
**km notes: **yes, tracking the number of times people click on the video but also if they watch the whole thing. Are we going to make these downloadable?
Sherief: No, it should be served on the website (will also be downloadable)
2.2.4 - Create a “test” at the end of the videos to measure effectiveness and knowledge transfer:
-Assuming that the user agrees to take a test, would an HTML form with MCQs and a Submit button suffice? a small script that saves the answers (from the html form) into an XML file, grab the data from the XML file and represent it as anyone sees fit.
**km notes: **we need to encourage them to help us improve our videos and by their "feedback" we can make that happen. It would be great to have an automated way to capture this information. What I'd like to see is a survey/test to be set up that we can really see that people get it - it can be made fun and maybe they receive a link to get a Tor sticker.