Hi all! This is a wiki page for resources about teaching Tor.
Brazilian Portuguese
- Tor brochure PDF ODG TXT
- Orbot and Orfox guide [https://antivigilancia.org/pt/2017/05/orbot-orfox-2]
- Tor brochure PDF ODG TXT
- A few slides comparing Tor, VPNs and Proxies with a focus on visible metadata
- A Beginner Friendly Comprehensive Guide to Installing and Using A Safer Anonymous Operating System Tor Hidden Service Link, Clearnet Link
- Offensive, Defensive, and Forensic Techniques for Determining Web User Identity
- Tor Browser: an introductory presentation
- The Tor Browser and Intellectual Freedom in the Digital Age: A paper making the case for Tor Browser in libraries, which also includes instructional step-by-step information about downloading and using TBB.
- Tor brochure PDF ODG TXT
- How Tor and HTTPS work together.
- Tor design for a more technical audience.
- EFF's Surveillance Self-Defense on installing Tor on Windows [https://ssd.eff.org/en/module/how-use-tor-windows]
- EFF's Surveillance Self-Defense on installing Tor on Mac OS [https://ssd.eff.org/en/module/how-use-tor-mac-os-x]
- Library Freedom Project's All About Tor for Libraries [https://libraryfreedomproject.org/allabouttor/]
- Older talks by Tor people [https://media.torproject.org/outreach-material/]
- Digital security workshop slides (including Tor) [https://boomerang-effect.espivblogs.net/files/2017/10/basic-digisec.pdf]
- Teaching encryption for email, files, instant messaging & VoIP [https://boomerang-effect.espivblogs.net/files/2017/10/encryption.pdf]
- Tactical Tech's Tor Browser guide for Linux [https://securityinabox.org/en/guide/torbrowser/linux/]
- Tactical Tech's Tor Browser guide for Windows [https://securityinabox.org/en/guide/torbrowser/windows/]
- Tactical Tech's Tor Browser guide for macOS [https://securityinabox.org/en/guide/torbrowser/mac/]
Mobile (Orbot, Orfox, Orweb, etc)
- Guide d'autodéfense numérique
- EFF SSD: Guide d'utilisation de Tor pour Windows
- Security in-a-box section about Tor
= Russian =
- Tor brochure PDF ODG TXT
- Orbot and Orfox guide [https://antivigilancia.org/es/2017/05/orbot-orfox]