This page explains how the translation process works for translators, developers, and those who manage it all. The process is currently managed by emma peel.
What follows is a short summary of the translation workflow for existing resources. Instructions on how to add a new translation resource can be found further down on this page.
- Users translate our resources on Transifex
- Each translation resource has its own branch in the translation repository
- A cron will pull new and updated translations from Transifex and add them to the translation repository
- Developers clone the translation repository, check out branches, validate the translations, and include them in new releases
For translators
- Create an account on Transifex
- Visit our project page
- Request the creation of a translation team for your language (if it does not exist)
- Apply to the desired language team (if you have not done so already)
- Wait to be approved for your team
If you do not hear back within 1 week, please contact emmapeel <at> torproject <dot> org
with your Transifex username and the team you applied for.
- Click on your language
- Choose the resource you wish to translate
- Click Translate now
To access the glossary:
* Click on your language
* Choose the resource you wish to translate
* Click _Translate now_
* Click _Glossary_ (next to the search box, above the strings)
If you need to edit the Glossary (to upload a new English version, for example), log in and go to
When translating, make sure you include any HTML tags, URLs, and symbols present in the English string.
Note: Tails resources can be translated either on Transifex or with Git, depending on the language.
For developers
Getting your translations added to Transifex
- Check [Transifex] for supported file types
- Contact
emmapeel <at> torproject <dot> org
with a link to your English strings, preferably in Tor Project or Tails git - Wait for strings to be added to Transifex and git
Using your translations
- Clone the translation repository
- Check out the branch for your project (e.g. git checkout mat-gui)
- If you only want translations that are 100% completed, check out the _completed branch instead (e.g. git checkout mat-gui_completed)
NOTE: Transifex does not do any kind of input validation on the translated strings. You need to make sure that the strings you include are valid and do not contain anything malicious.
Translators' input
The translators find many errors on the source strings, it is important to have a look at the open issues in transifex.
Open issues in transifex: (needs login)
After selecting a string, check the Comments section on the bottom right: there you will see the issue the translator has found.