= 2011 Tor Annual Developer Meeting = #a2010TorAnnualDeveloperMeeting
July 24-25, 2011 in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
The first annual developer meeting was completely informal and held after PETS 2009 in Seattle, Washington. We spent one day talking, hacking, and figuring out plans for the next year. It worked well. What didn't work well was having no plan and therefore not having enough time to talk about everything we wanted to discuss.
Last years annual dev meeting was an un-conference. It worked well so we'll try it again this year. We're going to try to do two rooms on the 25th, so we can split into two tracks.
As this meeting is sponsored by Tor itself, we cannot cover all travel costs for everyone. Everyone who is paid and/or a dedicated volunteer to Tor has been invited already. The invite/non-invite line is basically around commit access, if you have it, you've been invited. This is not a general "Tor Con" per se, but a targeted meeting to talk about making more Tor.
Minor Details
- We have a reservation for a room or two at the University of Waterloo.
- We have reserved and pre-paid a block of hotel rooms at Waterloo College Hall. Tor is covering the hotel for everyone for the dev meeting and for those staying for PETS.
- There is a dinner for attendees on Sunday Night, July 24th at 7 PM. Details announced at the meeting.
- Breakfast and lunches are not catered. Lunch will be a 2 hour break and everyone is on their own to find food. There are plenty of options within a 5 minute walk of our meeting.
Travel Details
- The nearest airport is Pearson International in Toronto, airport code YYZ. There is a local airport, YKF, but you're really unlikely to find a convenient flight there. Use YYZ.
- There are a few options to get from Toronto to Waterloo. Please see the Traveling to Waterloo section of http://petsymposium.org/2011/travel.php.
- If you would like to coordinate for a shuttle to/from YYZ then include your arrival and departure times
Tor Poster
The EFF made an awesome poster about Tor and will be sending copies to the Tor meeting (thank you, EFF!). Please indicate below if you would like one, and make a $10 donation to help cover its cost.
Room A = Davis Centre (DC) 1331 (enter via room 1330)
Room B = Davis Centre (DC) 2314
campus map the building you're looking for
Sunday July 24
10:00 Welcome (Room A)
11:00 Projects, Products, and you. (Room A)
12:00 Lunch
14:00 Session 1 (Rooms A & B) * Session 1.A.2 Firehose! Tor communication overload [wiki:org/meetings/2011TorAnnualDevMeeting/FirehoseOutput meeting output] * Session 1.B.1 Tor Browser [wiki:org/meetings/2011TorAnnualDevMeeting/TorBrowserSessionNotes TorBrowser Notes]
15:30 Break
16:00 Session 2 (Rooms A & B)
17:30 Session 3 (Rooms A & B)
19:00 Dinner (At a brewery off-site).
Monday July 25
10:00 5 minute recaps of Session 1-3 (Room A)
11:00 Session 4 (Rooms A & B)
12:30 Lunch
14:30 Session 5 (Rooms A & B)
16:00 Q & A and Next Steps
18:00 Hackfest/Dinner (nothing formally planned)
Invite List
Invitee | Tor Reimbursed | Can Attend | Attending PETS? | Poster? | Arriving Flight | Departing Flight |
Erinn | Y | Y | N | Y | 7/22 | |
Karen | Y | Y | N | 7/23 | 7/26 | |
Jake | Y | Y | Y | Y | Already in Canada | Probably the last day of PETS via YYZ |
Karsten | Y | Y | Y | Y | 7/23 12:15 pm | 7/31 5:30 pm |
Melissa | Y | N | ||||
Mike | Y | Y | N | N | 7/22 | 7/30 5pm |
Nick | Y | Y | Y | |||
Robert | Y | Y | Y | |||
Roger | Y | Y | Y | N | 7/23 via car | 7/31 via car |
Runa | Y | Y | N | Y | 7/23 3:05 pm | 7/26 6:50 pm |
Sebastian | Y | Y | N | Y | 7/23 4:40pm | 7/26 6:25pm |
George | Y | Y | Y | Y | 7/23 | 7/30 |
Tomas | Y | Y | Y | Y | 7/23 5:30 am | 7/30 10:55 pm |
Damian | Y | Y | Y | Y | 7/23 3:50 pm | 7/31 9:20 am |
Linus | Y | Y | N | N | 7/23 2:50 pm (SK3803) | 7/29 8:40 pm (SK3870) |
Steven | Y | Y | Y | Y | 7/23 3:05 pm YYZ (BA0093) | 7/31 8:50 pm (BA0098) |
Andrew | Y | Y | N | 7/23 | 7/26 | |
Paul | N | Y | Y | Y | 7/23 6:22 pm | 7/31 10:08 am |
Wendy | N | Y | Y | Y | 7/23 10:24AM (CO 3350) | 7/31 6:30AM (UA 8560) (might leave for YYZ-area Sat. eve) |
Ian | N | Y | Y | 3 | ||
tomb | N | Y | Y | N | 7/23 1:37 pm YYZ (Continental 2946) | 07/31 11:17am YYZ (Continental 3322) |
Kamran | N | Y | Y | |||
Brandon | N | Y | Y | Y | 7/22 4:59pm (United 4687) | 7/31 2:35pm (United 8397) |
Sathya | N | Y | Y | Y | 7/23 4:20 pm | 7/30 10:45 pm |
Nathan | N | Y | N | N | 7/23 sometime | 7/25 sometime |
Moritz | N | Y | Y | Y | 7/21 5:45pm | 8/01 11:45pm |
Rob | N | Y | Y | Y | 7/23 6:22 pm (United 3498) | 7/31 10:08 am (United 3361) |
Arturo | N | Y | Y | Y |