Timesheets for engineers
Two types of funding: fixed-cost and cost-reimbursement
Rules that come with government funding: includes timesheets
- We don't give you specific directions for how to pick your numbers
- Andrew doesn't clarify ("be accurate!")
We specifically don't tell you how to track the time. (If we do specify, we have to justify the instructions to our auditors.)
Only the ratio of hours to sponsors is used. The absolute numbers are never used.
And it's only used to ask our funders for the right amount of money.
Part of tor-exec's job is to make all the deliverables for funders broad and overlapping.
There exist plenty of other reasons to track hours you spend on tasks: agile, project management tracking, etc. But those aren't timesheets.
You're not supposed to lie ("please say 5 for that day"). But you can change your behavior ("please work more hours on SponsorL").
The plan:
- Melissa will mail you to tell you what ratios you should do; and please let us know early if you're not going to match those ratios.
- Should we also tell you who else is funded by that same sponsor?
- And/or should we just expose the whole budget to everybody (but using ratios rather than absolute numbers)?