Suggestions for the next dev. meeting:
- Have action list we can email each others at the end of each sessions.
- Preparing the schedule beforehands kinda work better than the sticky notes model. Start to think of the sessions weeks before the meeting start.
- Longer breaks.
- Add a “mandatory” item in the ranking sheet on top of “i would not attend”.
- Meetings should not start before the end of hotel breakfast.
- Having a conflict-resolution person.
- Have a day of meeting, day of hacking, day of meeting, day of hacking.
- Have group activities like hikes.
- Group sessions into short sessions (45 min.?) and longer sessions (75 min.)?
- Two hours lunch break.
- Send tips about how to have productive discussions, consensus building strategies before the meeting.
- Have the report backs only be the action items from the break-out sessions.
- Dedicated mailing list for the meeting.
- Having a room for us in the hotel to hang out is great.
- Always start preparing the next dev. meeting before the current one ends.
- Print transit maps.
- Send climate reminders.
ACTION: Request for comments on a plan on tor-internal.