Abstract: who are the consumers of the reports we produce, and what are their needs/user-stories? Howe should we change our outgoing reporting so that we better satisfy these needs.
Who writes reports?
- people who get paid, or people who need to get paid
- monthly reports mostly don't include people who aren't getting paid, so it does not reflect the (complete) status of Tor.
Why do we write reports?
- We don't know what they are used for
- What use is the 5pt done/todo format?
- Some kind of competition among who can add the most points
How we write reports/How we might write reports
Tor Weekly News is a better comprehensive summary of what is going on.
- Suggestion that we use/update TWN rather than write a report email
- Others hate wikis and don't want to use them for reports.
There is a template for reports, suggested by Andrew, where you list the top5 things that were done, and the top5 things that you are planning on doing.
- Lots of simple bugs can create lots of points. Hard problems might only count as one point.
Some use trac to determine what they have done.
Timesheets (often) don't correspond to reports.
People find high level descriptions more useful than a list of tickets that were completed.
Agile scrum meetings? etherpad, mumble, etc
Replying to a thread vs sending to black hole of tor-reports
Weekly reports (avg contribution 1 per month) might get more participation because there is a less strict schedule.
Tor Status Bot
- must be in #tor-status
- must be registered
- must be whitelisted
- adds the status line to a webpage you can query
- more like a log, not a report
Tor pre(ports)
- talking about what we are going to do rather than have done
Public or Private?
- Some would prefer that Tor reports be private, public reports kill cameraderie/trust among people, or self-censor information because it will be made public.
- e.g. my cat died, I was sick, etc
- "Miss the personal touch you have with private communication"
- "Do sponsors care about what every single person does? Do they read that?"
- Useful for new members of the community to learn what is going on.
- Many of us are not comfortable talking about our personal lives in public
- Balance - General idea that we have to open up, so that we are open to new people, but how do we do that without destroying a sense of community?
- We could have two types of montly reports (public/private)
- Reports could be private, and then digested into a weekly (monthly) news.
- What is the perception of taking reports private, after being public for a year?
- Some things aren't public, e.g. funder discussions, how do these fit into reporting?
- tor-reports used to be private, you could also cc tor-dev if you wanted to make it public