Notes - Tuesday Roadmap Session
October - 2015
- Mozilla test coverage & test updates for linux - SponsorU - boklm - oct 31
- Torbutton patch conversion ( - SponsorU - PC - oct 31
- document Partition Alloc work - SponsorU - tjr - oct 31
- update our FF38-esr patches in Mozilla Bugzilla - SponsorU - Arthur - oct 31
- OSX codesiging - SponsorU - Mike - oct 31
- unify locales into one bundle (we need that for hardened builds) - SponsorU - PC - oct 31
- hardened linux 64bit builds - SponsorU - Georg - oct 31
- investigate extension API requirements for extensions - oct 31
- write year end report - SponsorU - Mike/team - oct 31
December - 2015
- work with mozilla to merge updated patches for ESR 45 - SponsorU - Arthur - dec 14
- investigate EMET incompatibilities - SponsorU - Georg - dec 31
February - 2016
- get mingw-w64 to compile sandboxing code - SponsorU - Georg - end of feb
- review firefox 45 and update our patches - SponsorU - team - end of feb
- add-ons should be e10s compatible - SponsorU - end of feb
- update toolchain for ESR 45 based builds - SponsorU - Georg - end of feb
March - 2016
- automate Mac and Windows testing support - SponsorU - boklm - end of march 2016
- Tor Browser updater hardening (check the https pinning) - SponsorU - end of march 2016
- create patches for new, invasive ESR 45 features - team - SponsorU - end of march 2016
May - 2016
- finalize C++ Torbutton conversion - Arthur/PC - SponsorU - end of may 2016
July - 2016
- write follow-up proposal for TBB funding - Mike/team - july 2016
October - 2016
- unix domain socket support for Tor Browser - Mike and Dave - oct 2016
- enable jemalloc(xxxx)/Partition-Alloc - SponsorU - oct 2016
- security / privacy feature w/ improvements - Georg - SponsorU - oct 2016
- write year end proposal SponsorU - Mike/team oct 2016
- user-deployable automated Mac, Windows, and Linux testing - boklm Oct 2016
- update our FF45-esr patches in Mozilla Bugzilla - Arthur - oct 31