Meeting notes from the supporting users at scale session
During the session we discussed possible approaches to better support our growing user base in the future. We have a great resource in the help desk, but it isn't a very scalable approach and its funding is running out. At the same time, we provide a lot of documentation in various places, mostly in English. This documentation is often either outdated, incomplete or too technical. To focus our energies better we've evaluated the most-accessed website and wiki pages.
Generally, we ask that all issues with the wbsite get reported as bugs against the website so they get tracked and can get fixed eventually, rather than getting lost in the noise.
List of most popular website pages
- / (front page)
- /download/download-easy
- /projects/torbrowser
- /download/download
- /download
- /about/overview
- /docs/faq
- /docs/documentation
- /docs/android
- /docs/bridges
List of most popular Wiki pages
- /, /projects/tor, /projects/tor/wiki (index page)
- /projects/tor/wiki/doc/TransparentProxy
- /projects/tor/wiki/doc/TorFAQ
- /projects/tor/wiki/doc/TorifyHOWTO
- /projects/tor/wiki/torbirdy
- /projects/tor/about
- /projects/tor/wiki/doc/TorifyHOWTO/WebBrowsers
- /projects/tor/wiki/doc/GoodBadISPs
- /projects/tor/wiki/doc/TorifyHOWTO/InstantMessaging
Action list
- Go through most used websites, see if the English is updated
- Link to external resources like relay guide if their stuff is better
- Make sure external information is preserved (encourage them to use git, etc)
- Contribute to Tor Weekly News
- Solicit translation help on Twitter, etc - can we get dedicated translators for TWN for example?
- Allow people to set up tor-talk equivalent lists in other languages
- FAQ-related stuff:
- Remove outdated entries, consider splitting into smaller parts or consolidating
- aks local lawyers for help with a legal FAQ? Important: language != country
- Update the Tor overview site
- Migrate wiki content to the static website, make sure old content doesn't get duplicated
- Syndicate blog posts/tweets/etc to more social media platforms
- Translate the Tor animation into up to 10 more languages (some funding is available)
- get static pages of the blog onto the website automatically for mirroring
Other stuff
We currently mirror the website and dist, which works well. We shouldn't mirror more different things, rather integrate them into the website if they need mirroring. We could consider translating key blog posts on a on-demand basis and distribute them through language-specific communication channels. Eventually we might want to move away from wml to facilitate easier translations with tools like transifex. In the meantime, we should invest in teaching a maintainer per language the way to use wml with git and the auto-builder.