A meeting of Tor people in Berlin to socialize, discuss, work and have fun together.
= When=
Thu, Sep 8th 19:00: optional dinner(but feel free to self-organize with the group of people on this page) - Fri, Sep 9th 10:00 - 18:00: semi-structured day with time slots where people can suggest session topics and otherwise hack away; self-organized dinner.
- Sat, Sep 10th 10:00 - 18:00: metrics day with an open session in the morning and a team-internal session in the afternoon; otherwise, semi-structured day like on Friday; self-organized dinner.
- Sat, Sep 10th 15:00: Community discussion about recent events at Tor. Not public. Contact Juris (juris [a] torservers [d] net) if you're not a Tor member and want to attend.
- Sun, Sep 11th 10:00 - 18:00: more of what we did on Friday; self-organized dinner.
Onion Space, ExRotaprint, Gottschedstraße 4, Aufgang 4, 1. OG rechts, 13357 Berlin
If you want to tell people that you're going or not going, please add yourself to this table:
Person | Attending | Arriving | Departing | Have lodging sorted out |
Georg | Y | Sep 8 | Sep 12 | Y |
boklm | Y | Sep 8 | Sep 12 | Y |
karsten | Y | Sep 8 | Sep 12 | Y |
iwakeh | Y | ? | ? | all fine |
Linus | N :( | |||
adrelanos | Y | Sep 9 | Sep 11 | Y |
vynX | Y | ? | ? | Y |
csoghoian | Y | Sept 6 | Sept 9 | Y |
qbi | Y | Sep 10 | Sep 11 | N |
juris | Y | ? | ? | Y |
Sebastian | Y | 9 | 11 | Y |
Julius | Y | 10 | 11 | Y |
Andreas | Y | 10 | 11 | Y |
Coordination mailing list
Subscribe to the tor-meeting mailing list to keep informed about plans.
Outcomes and Session ideas
Put your ideas for outcomes and sessions here: