Directory Authorities
Directory Authority - Mar 25th, 2017
Testing network
We have Nick (Calyx) and new possible dirauth operator joining the test network as directory authority and it's been good response time
We do have Micah running a dirauth in the network and weasel running normal relays.
Bandwidth Authority
- tjr is US <-> Sweden (maatuska)
- micah is US <-> HK (longclaw)
- Sebastian is DE <-> DE (gabelmoo)
- Sina is US <-> US (faravahar)
- Roger is US <-> US (moria1)
Running the file server used by bwauth in different geolocations.
Get on consensus health a marker that shows which dirauth sets the consensus weight median to a relay.
Number 9, 10, ...
What happens if we have a consensus signed by 6 dirauth but the 4 others aren't trusted?
Continent diversity? Some agreement that Nick should run one from New York becoming the 4th one in the US.
Micah (longclaw) will move it to Canada, Québec (probably a 1-2 months process).
Consensus on having Nick Merrill to become the 9th directory authority using the relay in the test network that has been running their for a while now.