Onion service user experience problems
Optional onion service client authentication
There is no support for this in Tor Browser (TB) yet. What is a good way to ask the user for the auth? It can be username and password, or a public key, or simply one password (that every user uses to access the same onion).
The UX problems here are both on the client and the server side.
Single Onion Services have one hop between the rendezvous and the onion service server, thus they are faster than full Onion Services.
When you visit an SOS in TBB, there is no distinction between full OS and SOS. Is this a UX problem which should be distinguished?
Power users who annoying are good at filing tickets in Trac seem to understand the difference between seeing three hops or not in the dropdown when they intended to visit a SOS.
The takeaway from the discussion is that it is extraneous information to display to the user, since only the service's anonymity is affected by using a SOS.
Onion Service petnames
Everyone agrees that this is a massive rabbithole. We tried to avoid this discussion, and then we had it anyway.
Paul Syverson mentions speaking to the HTTPSEverywhere folks about having rewrites for onion services which also have TLS certificates and registered domain names can have their 56-character long onion service name display as their regular domain name: e.g. facebookcorewwwi298yua934htpq9438hthpq98fpa948hap4hSfhaew.onion displays instead as facebook.onion (because the own the certificate and domain for facebook.com).
CAB Forum is currently debating domain validation for onion services, e.g. "prove you own the private key corresponding to this onion address before we issue you a cert" which (hopefully, depending on how the discussion goes) will allow EV certs for individual, or allow non-EV certs for onion services, unclear which.
Linking into an existing naming heirarchy? Acceptable ones include DNS, CA PKI.
Or we could consider petnames, which we assume here to be local to the user, e.g. like a bookmark.
Or we could have a "pluggable" system for naming systems, such that you can choose to use Namecoin, or choose to use CA PKI. The name for this is Name Service API (NSA). People generally agree this is an interesting route to take, but Nick warns that we need to devote a person to creating this pluggable platform and create the first plugin to ensure that others will create adoptable plugins.
George brings up there is two ways petnames could work: You type facebook.onion and it goes to facebookcorewwwi298yua934htpq9438hthpq98fpa948hap4hSfhaew.onion because:
- you have a hosts file that says you should do that.
- "someone you trust for some reason" has a hosts file that you subscribe to and receive updates from.
Nick mentions that, for the "something.onion" parts, the "something" one is actually a thing that serves a hosts file, so that if you type "facebook.something.onion" you are using the something hosts file, and if you type "facebook.namecoin.onion" you get the namecoin hosts file.
What do we put in TB's dropdown circuit display
We currently display:
hop1 germany (192.x.x.x)
hop2 netherlands (192.168.x.x)
hidden service
People get confused about the ??? in the circuit dropdown.
Idea: Do as chrome and just mark all onion services in the same way as https://, only mark http:// as explicitly insecure.
We need to talk to the Mozilla Firefox team about having a way to mark onion services of all types as secure, even if they are delivered over http://.
Concerns about phishing because the "domain name" of an onion service is not reasonably human memorisable.
Georg is amenable to a positive (i.e. an addition to the URL bar) indicator like a lock icon for onion services.
Linda responds that there is a difference between 1) people who are on guard all the time and seeing a lock icon and then it disappears, versus 2) users who are chill all the time and there's no indicator and then suddenly there is an X through the http:// warning them that they must be careful on the site.
We mention having a GIF of a wizard using their wand to "do sparkly magic" on the ??? part of the circuit diagram. Nick agrees to this, as long as the wizard is an image of one of us developers. I ask Nick if he has a wizard costume. Nick promptly fashions a wizard hat from his laptop case.
Linda and the onion service hackers agree to have a one hour per week meeting to discuss onion serivce user experience work on an ongoing basis.