= website redesign update
== the idea of the website redesign is to have four portals:
=== main torproject.org portal
- what is tor?
- download the thing
- donations
- job openings
- who are the board
- who are the people
- legal stuff, financial stuff
- blog
- how to organize the blog tags better?
- newsletter
- press/news
- how do we regularly/automatically add recent positive press/statements from Tor?
...then three subportals
=== development portal
- needs more feedback from people doing technical work
- Tor ecosystem diagrammed -- how different bits of Tor interact
- areas of work (four dev teams) -- OONI, applications, network, metrics
- research
=== community portal
- building up the Tor community in a scalable way
- resources for people who host cryptoparties
- resources for people who run onion services
- six subpages
- support for relay operators
- easy way for people to get involved
- user testing
- intake mechanism/form for people who want more information. if they request training, there is a second step that asks them more questions. maybe the requests go to frontdesk@
- tor trainers
- what goes in the training curriculum? what does training mean/not mean? training on tor is a big responsibility, how to convey that?
- how to give trainers support. mailing list? ways for trainers to get support? ways for people to request training. could this be a webform?
- what does a bare minimum tor curriculum look like? besides how tor works, what to expect, what its limitations are, and how to install it
- how do we build trainings that respond to the needs of people requesting the trainings?
- how do we do more than just giving them the resource and then leaving?
- Tor people who already do trainings should be users of this page to make sure it works
- maybe what needs to happen to resolve this is a knowledge skillshare from trainers
=== support portal
a place for people to get help using Tor
feedback mechanism
link to IRC
in order to get these pages rendered, they looked at all the existing resources eg why run a tor relay, how to run a relay, organizations to donate to if you can't run a relay
then prioritize the info and order it in a way that makes more sense than the current website structure
what is the timeline for the website redesign? we requested funding for a multi-year project to develop the site and get feedback. trying to do as much work as possible until that funding comes through
one goal of this new website is to get more direct user testing/feedback
who are the people who are needed for feedback? not just vegas leads, but developers. find them and ask them for direct feedback.
getting quantitative and qualitative feedback
we have to try multiple user paths in the website