= Global South, Day 1 meeting (Sept. 30, 2018)
== Getting Started - Amsterdam - realized that community building, relationships, global south were not a high enough priority - Plan: - Meetings - have historically been w-europe & US & Canada - Relay advocacy - Community advocacy (ggus) - Translator coordinator (emmapeel)
== Started to do: - reading all the emails about meetings, taking notes about some topics that we think about a little (but not enough) - more infrastructure in global south - relay & bandwidth authority - hold tor meeting in global south (done! success!) - local tor meetups - tor providing more resource - $$$, ppl, resources) - board members located in global south - support local conferences (cryptorave, etc)
=== What we've done: - Tor meetups in Colombia - meeting in CDMX - Tor training weeks - Brasil, Colombia, Mexico, Mauritania - lots of activities for open days - decided w/ community what events to hold during open days - Free Software Forum in Brasil - Cryptography Rights in Brasilia - lots of translations
=== Intros: What are ppl doing in CDMX? - Derechos Digitales - Asking the group: What are you up to? What challenges? What opportunities? - A. - Yucatan - responsible for Tor BSD port (technically happening in Global South) - Interested in spreading knowledge of Tor, getting journalists to use it - making sure documentation is translated for spanish, portuguese, arabic - priority from the beginning - attitudes in Mexico: it's either illegal, or it's smth you shouldn't be doing - education should be a priority - F. - community outreach for Guardian Project - education - digital security in general, what apps & options there are - very hard! Why should ppl use these tools? - M. - UNAM - 2 yr project - enhance and promote anonymity & privacy tools - Colloquium this thurs & fri - concentrating on the Tor Project - if you ask ppl about Tor in MX, ppl relate it to dark web - working to redirect this, educate - Tor is not illegal, not a hacking tool - creating multimedia, material, promotion - G. - announcement on tues about expansion of the board, related to initiatives in global south - very concerned abt issue w/ negative conceptions around anonymity - Tor, Anonymous - very big piece coming out in McSweeney's - overcoming negative ideas about the dark web - writing quite a bit about this - while collected examples about positive uses of anonymity - these examples tend towards NA & Europe, some from Middle East - if you have examples of uses of anonymity (esp. political), contact her! - G. - feel that I'm the person who gained the most from having the meeting here (G. is local!) - S. - communications @ Tor - here to listen, offer assistance in messaging, campaigns, etc. - J. - SecureDrop - has been only in English, is now being translated - interested to hear what Tor is doing in these areas - M. - OONI - managing partnerships - training local comms to use OONI - collaborate on reporting censorship - working w/ lawyers to use OONI in court cases - Art campaigns - using OONI data - C. - many events, esp for women - feminism - educating about Tor, anonymity - Vedettas - F. - working for 10 years in Brasil @ Internet without Borders - work in Africa as well - Cameroon, Togo, Chad - Coalition of those fighting for internet rights in Brasil - more directed towards lawyers, journalists - rather than hackers - focusing on drawing in ppl other than hackers - where can we find info about workshops etc in Brasil & local south?
- N.
- Nicaragua
- political situation in Nicaragua
- promoting Tor installs & relays in central america
- A.
- community team lead
- one of the ppl initially involved in global south
- global solidarity & tor is a political project - this political involvement is harmful if it does not include the global south
- P.
- PM for community team
- how can we help you?
- S.
- India, moved to Toronto
- working for software law center - security trainings, privacy enhancing tools, etc.
- how to bridge the gap
- H.
- technology in Africa is not yet adapted - boost in social media and internet use, but no parallel growth in security knowledge
- E.
- localization lab
- making circumvention tech more accessible
- getting past ling barriers, getting volunteers involved
- language preservation & revitalization thru tech & localization
- partnering w/ orgs around the globe to get ppl involved in
- I.
- Derechos Digitales
- working to increase tor involvement
- legal analysis
- exit nodes
- education - what is tor? what is privacy?
- (missed name)
- connected to lots of groups in latin america
- need to learn more as developers
- M.
- Digital Defender partnership
- 2 fellows based in SA - Oaxaca & Brasil
- working w/ orgs- largely feminist collectives - fighting for abortion rights in Latin America
- promoting use of secure digital tools for feminist movements
- in MX, working more w/ orgs of families of disappeared ppl - use of anonymity to do research
- collaborate w/ Rhizomatica - developing autonomous cellphone networks - org currently promoting international & local law allow community networks to exist in Latin America
- community networks need to be connected w/ Tor etc to provide anonymity - community radios, etc
- many diff reasons interested
- Tor needs to have a clear political position in Global South - not only talk from technical perspective, but how to develop anonymity from a political perspective - this is a political action
- e.
- born in global south
- localization lead
- native lang is spanish
- v important to provide materials in other langs, to allow ppl to use our tools, and also so that hopefully our tools will change - flyers in Mexico are so beautiful! we need to learn from this culture
- E.
- designer at OONI
- UX & digital design
- research reports
- S.
- Italy, Brasil, Costa Rica currently
- started the conversation about global south in Amsterdam
- like to see how we're able to push these things in a concrete way
- what have I started?
- saw some challenges in Brasil, in explaining tor and also in setting up exit nodes
- ppl need legal support in Costa Rica for exit nodes
- we need to work collectively - as a community
- I.
- Chile
- participate in Community team
- S.
- lots of trainings in India
- D.
- spent time in West Africa & SE Asia documenting rights issues
- writing articles for Mozilla's Internet Health Report
- focus on Digital Inclusion
- M.
- just listening
- J.
- Rancho Electronico
- center for free software culture, dig sec etc
- education
- May 1st link
- providing Tor services
- lviing in rural community - access and lang localization are v important - bandwidth limitations, etc
- extractive capitalism as an issue in the global south
- taking intellectual resources & also physical resources
== What next?
Lots of ppl talking about education - is tor illegal? - dark web? - negative conceptions? Tor is currently doing training, looking for local partners - we will send materials to help w/ this training
What else can we do? - strategy: computer science department profs work on machine learning, AI, but there's no paradigm for CS students to work on privacy enhancing software ----> recruiting from CS departments! - experience: more than fear of legal repercussions, most people just don't know what Tor is even about. It takes a long time to get ppl to understand what privacy is about. Most ppl don't understand why we need this - in a country (MX) w/ highest levels of violence against journalists - We need to get this to social sciences as well! We need to protect the people who talk about people! - I'd like there to be a list of specific ways in which Tor can help ppl organize - these civil rights organizations are frequently organized in compromised locations - attitude is that we are being watched, so we'll do this work anyway - BUT! People don't necessarily know that that's not the only option - that we can protect ourselves while organizing - list of specific ways in which Tor helps activists, can help activists - In the case of the Feminist movements, feminists have been using Tor for a long time - lots of ppl already know what anonymity means - but the way that ppl w/ technical knowledge teach about Tor does not necessarily ackowledge what's already being done in these communities. Need to connect the ways we protect privacy offline with the ways we do online. need to acknowledge political aspect of this - Need to acknowledge the political aspect of this, and we cannot take an apolitical stance - apolitical stance is inherently causing harm - Open Source should be considered socialist, but it's currently considered capitalist - Brasil - there are some social movements who are not related w/ digital stuff, but who have the same political point of view - movements defending local production of food - agriculture - these mvmts - we should think about an approximation of these mvmts - can we get in touch with these groups? seems like a good way to get out of our hacker bubbles
challenge w/ this: many human rights groups have very booked calendar - if you don't get in touch while things are being planned, you have to get in touch during their planning time. It's hard to find time to collaborate
- What can we do about this? Get in touch w/ ppl in charge to find opportunities, when they're planning?
- these orgs need more resources
Talking w/ someone working in Rwanda
- someone started using Tor after looking @ metrics page for Rwanda & seeing only 10 ppl using Tor - they're exposed!
- if more ppl start using Tor in Rwanda, then the 10 ppl currently using Rwanda won't be so exposed - getting involved for solidarity, to help protect others
- helping ppl realize that they should be using Tor all the time - to help protect others
- it's hard for non-tech ppl to understand implications of mass surveillance - how to tell ppl that they should use Tor for regular things, not just buying drugs?
How is Tor organized? Is there a person to contact in different countries?
- Tor has selected 9 countries atm to do trainings
- factors in deciding:
- we won't be put in danger by giving training
- need to be in global south, grow community/ help community there
- we need more help in certain countries - we're just getting started, and we haven't announced this publicly
- factors in deciding:
- Tor has selected 9 countries atm to do trainings
how can we run workshops specifically related to Tor while protecting our safety?
- can we advertise them as something other than Tor project? Maybe focus more on security, etc
- orgs in Oaxaca - we talk about the work these ppl are doing, rather than focusing on Tor - then they talk about what tactics they need to develop to continue doing their work, and talk about how Tor is one tactic ppl can use- putting the focus on the work, rather than the tool
the need to build a trust relationship with these orgs that may potentially be in danger
we need to build trust over a long time, go there, meet ppl, build trust
- look, you're defending women's rights, etc - you need to protect yourselves in this way
ppl in rural communities will see this differently than in urban communities
reaching out to orgs that have already established these links