Open Days
Some session ideas are already listed at 2018Rome/AgendaIdeas. If you want to take on one of those sessions, please add it to the schedule below. If you'd rather get your session happening during the structured days, talk to Alison (alison at torproject dot org).
Sessions are open by default. If you want to make your session closed, write a (C) next to it.
Add your session notes to 2018Rome/Notes.
March 13: self-organizing open space: working and hacking sessions
_Hello Tor -> Blocked at 1400 today means that we wish that others does not schedule sessions at the same time because is very important the community pay attention to this work, since it will affect you, if you are part of Tor. Isabela_
Time | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | 15:00 | 16:00 | 17:00 | 18:00 | 19:00 |
Session 1 | UX Meeting | Open board meeting | New Tor Project Website/Portals | Swag for volunteers (#24148 (moved)) | Qubes, and cool things you can do with it (micah) | Finish the Statement of Values. Facilitator: catalyst | Localization/Translation discussion. Facilitator: Arthur | |||||
Session 2 | Tor Browser for Android (sysrqb) | Tor Browser security controls (gk) | onion subdomains, browser implications,... (paul) | ux team + onion browser | ||||||||
Session 3 | Updates regarding the TorBSD Diversity Project - TDP (egypcio) | -- blocked --- | web tools and infra sharing | Mini Updates: Surveillance in MENA ![Facilitator: Ramy] | ||||||||
Session 4 | Tor on Mobile Hacking | -- blocked --- | OONI data analysis deep dive | Facebook over Tor (willshackleton) | ||||||||
Session 5 | -- blocked --- | Batch blind signatures and Privacy Pass (iang) | ||||||||||
Session 6 | Low-Level Tor Modularization Details (dgoulet) | How Tor Works: a not-too-technical introduction for the curious (nickm) | Tor in Rust: downstream packaging and deployment (dkg) | -- blocked --- | Network Team Once-Off Stats (teor) | |||||||
Session 7 | -- blocked --- | |||||||||||
Session 8 | -- blocked --- | |||||||||||
Session 9 | -- blocked --- | |||||||||||
Session 10 | -- blocked --- |
March 15: self-organizing open space: working and hacking sessions
Time | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | 15:00 | 16:00 | 17:00 | 18:00 | 19:00 |
Session 1 | ux+services roadmaps (hiro+isabela+antonela) | ux+onion services (#23247 (moved),#21969 (moved)) (asn+isabela+geko+arthur) | censorship team brainstorming/prep work - isa irl roger etc | find common localization platform - (hans+micahl+) | implementation details for malleable relay crypto mitigation (catalyst) | expectations and practices for continuous integration (focus is on Core Tor, but others are welcome) (catalyst) | ||||||
Session 2 | Optimistic Data and User Experience (sysrqb) | |||||||||||
Session 3 | OONI Probe CLI hacking session | |||||||||||
Session 4 | Experimental PrivCount (C) | Why floating point is not your friend (iang) | Learn how to write a tor unit test (come and break tor, it's easy and fun!) (teor) | |||||||||
Session 5 | Modularization part 2: APIs (komlo) | |||||||||||
Session 6 | How zk-SNARKs work (str4d) | |||||||||||
Session 7 | ||||||||||||
Session 8 | ||||||||||||
Session 9 | ||||||||||||
Session 10 |
Sessions outside of the meeting venue
Relay operators meetup
A group will depart from The Rome Life Hotel at 17:35, on Thurday 15/03/2018 be sure to be there if you want to join the group, otherwise please follow the instructions from Termini Station it takes ~50 minutes to reach the place by public transportation:
Get out of Termini Station from the left side exit on via Giovanni
Giolitti, take the tram 5 in direction for "piazza dei Gerani" and get
off after 19 stops, at the stop named Delpino, before the tram turns on
via Parlatore.
Walk straight on via Federico Delpino for 250m, slightly uphill, when
you get to the park in front of you take the steps to enter the park
walk straight and take the steps going down. You'll see a Fortress,
enter into it and ask for "sala concerti" also called "auditorium Renzo
To get back to the Termini station follow the steps in reverse!
If it's late in the night, same steps in reverse but instead of going to
the stop "Delpino" and get the tram, go to the stop "Parlatore" that is
in the street on the left just before the stop where you arrived, and
take the night bus N12 in direction for "Piazza Venezia", get off after
15 stops at the stop "Termini MA-MB-FS".
Location: 41.8923495N,12.5692442E,
Local event link:
Tor Project blog link: