Relay operators meetup @ CSOA Forte Prenestino, Rome, Italy
~35 people (~12 Tor people)
People/groups from: AvANa, universities, decentralized wireless network, researchers, system administrators, few previous relay operators, Tor user and onion services administrators.
Talk about legal implications by running relays
- No legal issue in Europe -> Article 12
- Non profit or other organizations could help with potential legal issues
- Onion Italia (people seem to not like it) | form/make a system that can protect relay operators in Italy
- No cases of relay operators in Europe that face legal issues for hosting relays
Hardware talk
- Don't use an old Raspberry Pi (depending on the hardware revision) or low powered devices for high performance relays
- Physical security: Virtual servers or bare-metal
- If you are able to run a relay and the issue is the VM/OS/System the just do it. Tor's design would help from potential compromises. Obviously if you can afford bare-metal then host a relay on bare-metal servers :)
- Usually not so new hardware is required to run a good relay, exceptions include really high bandwidth relays.
IP blocklists: some people take bad decisions and block the Tor exit relays but very few middle, still people don't use these blocklists.
How useful is to raun a bridge in residential ISPs with dynamic IPs: Good if you IP is not changing every 1-2 days.
How bridge relays work: [/wiki/TorRelayGuide#Bridge]
As a system administrator what you should be monitoring to check the health of your relay(s):
- Nagios or other monitoring software
- Tor weather
Improve relays network by introducing a relay gamification system (badges, swags,..)
IPv4/IPv6 talk
- IPv4 is a requirement: a relay must be able to communicate with every relay on the Tor network
- IPv6 is not well researched and IPv6 addresses usually not blocked/censored as the blocking infrastructures are blocking only IPv4
- Hurricane electric provides free IPv6 transit
- IPv6 exit only traffic is possible and can be configured from the
option intorrc
config file
What are guard relays: [/wiki/TorRelayGuide#Guardmiddleakanon-exitrelay]
Bad news ISPs in Italy
- Aruba ISP
- No copyright enforcement, only complains
- Did/does MiTM attacks to steal SSL keys
- BGP hijacking
- Remove all the routes linked to the the Hackingteam and Wikileaks
- Aruba ISP
Relay news in Italy
- Exit probability (as of now): 0,001%
- Universities can provide bandwidth, IPs and rackspace
- Universities receive copyright complaints but do not enforce
- La Sapienza university blocks all Tor domain and subdomains.
- Multiple complaints have been filled but to not extent, still blocked
Question: Will a relays (guidebook/handbook) [wiki/TorRelayGuide#TheTorRelayGuide] help if it's translated in Italian? Not that important currently.
Talk about UbuntuCore relays (snapd Ubuntu package) see email list discussion:
Talk about the responsibility of community networks/wireless mesh
- Network centralization: Exit relays that uses a VPN is not that useful as we may end up with many relays from the same VPN network but.. Better thank nothing
- Relay operators are autonomous and decide for themselves where they should host a relay
- Network bandwidth "deals" with ISPs and uplink providers to pay less for more bandwidth/traffic
People can help by contributing to the documentation, testing, teaching privacy anonymity and run relays around this project, as it's easier to sustain
Funding ideas
- Donations
- An application similar to Bail bloc (
- Organizations that already want to support running relays but don't want or know how to administer them
Talk about filesystem encryption on a relay
- If a relay servers gets raided, police may have harder time to view the content of the servers and cause confusion/delays
- Tor relays don't save any content on the disks so there is no really a good reason to do this
Talk about the Shared Whois Project (SWIP) and hosting providers that support it so that you can use your own contact info
In order host Tor relays with minimal issues in universities, you can find a professor that want to do a research related to Tor
Talk about load balancing onion services and OnionBalance (