Sponsor I
To develop an open security toolkit for journalists, allowing them to avoid digital surveillance by governments and other groups.
2012 July - 2013 September
- Help Desk and Support
- Improve and package Tor tools
- Q1 Hire a community manager, support personnel, and start building the community software (Q&A forum software). Build a Help Desk with email, chat, ticketing system, and phone support. Conduct a usability study of the Tor Browser and Tails. Identify journalist partners.
- Q2 Deploy the first version of the community software. Publish results of a usability study of the Tor Browser and Tails. Schedule a hackfest in the US. Improve help desk operations by reviewing metrics and feedback from users. Begin deploying tools in target areas.
- Q3 Fine-tune community software, fully populated with questions and answers from both Tor and the community. Design and conduct a second usability study.
- Q4 Publish results of second usability study. Begin improvements as needed. Write and publish report of experience so far.
Project Metrics
- produce educational materials for journalists on Tor Browser and Tails.
- aim for 200 journalists educated/trained
- monthly reports of help desk statistics (tickets by language, resolution rate, plus current statistics)
- 2 usability studies with the latter a discussion of progress
- work with SponsorI to assess number and type of journalists using the tools
- work with SponsorI to assess impact of journalists using the tools
- Q4 2012: Design the project. Plan the milestones. Start documentation work. Find and hire non-English Help Desk staff. Determine operational plan for Help Desk (hours of operation, chat capability, ticket capability, phone capability, sms/text capability). Start baseline study of documentation feedback. Start baseline study of help and support options/feedback.
- Q1 2013: Implement Tails Bug Bounty program. Continue documentation work. Start artwork for images. Start scripts for videos.
- Q2 2013: Implement TorBrowser Bug Bounty program. Finish up documentation re-writes. Incorporate images into documentation. Start working with screencasts and videos. Checkpoint study on documentation progress. Checkpoint study on help and support options/feedback.
- Q3 2013: Finish Tails and TorBrowser bug bounty programs. Final checkpoint study on documentation updates. Final checkpoint study on help and support options/feedback.
Project tickets